Why Windows is free?
It is only free for upgrades, the original license is still expensive. This is because Microsoft wants to keep the installed numbers up. You also pay for the original license in a PC in the cost of the computer.Microsoft says "Upgrade to Windows 10 for free during the first year and then it's yours forever". So the real, correct statement is this: "Upgrade to Windows 10 during the first year and then it's yours UNTIL one year passes and something goes wrong (sooner or later always does) and you'll need to reinstall Windows.Microsoft kept giving away free upgrades to Windows 10 on old hardware for more than eight years. The upgrades officially ended in 2023, but I've seen scattered reports that it still works for some people. So, do you feel lucky

Do I really have to pay for Windows : Yes, you can get a properly activated version of Windows for free.

Is Windows 11 still free

Can I upgrade for free Upgrades to Windows 11 from Windows 10 will be free.

Is Windows 10 now free : Yes, technically speaking you can install Windows and use for free. But legally when you install Windows you agree to Microsoft's terms and conditions and they state you must activate your copy of Windows, and that requires a license which must be purchased. So legally there is no free copy of Windows.

Microsoft includes many features in Windows that other operating systems do not have. This makes Windows more attractive to users but also more expensive. Microsoft regularly updates and improves Windows, adding to the cost.

Microsoft allows anyone to download Windows 10 for free and install it without a product key. It'll keep working for the foreseeable future, with only a few small cosmetic restrictions. And you can even pay to upgrade to a licensed copy of Windows 10 after you install it.

Will Windows 11 ever cost money

How much does it cost to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 It's free. But only Windows 10 PCs that are running the most current version of Windows 10 and meet the minimum hardware specifications will be able to upgrade. You can check to see if you have the latest updates for Windows 10 in Settings/Windows Update.If your computer isn't eligible for Windows 11 since it doesn't meet the requirements, a new computer should come with a Windows 11 license anyway. Remember that there's nothing illegal about using Windows 11 without paying for it, and Microsoft designed the OS in this way for a reason.Upgrades to Windows 11 from Windows 10 will be free. Due to the size of the download, however, ISP fees may apply for downloads that occur over metered connections.

7 Still does not come for free. And the computer manufacturer has to support 7 and supply Windows 7 drivers for your exact model number for 7 to install and run correctly. With end of support Microsoft is not telling you that your operating systems won't work.

Does Windows still cost money : Buy Windows from Microsoft: $139 – $199

The easiest but most expensive way to get Windows is to buy your key directly from Microsoft.com. You can get Windows 11 Home for $139. And you can get Windows Windows 11 Pro for $199. You can get these either as downloads or on USB drives.

Why Windows 10 not free : Answer: Because Microsoft is phasing out Windows 10.

Starting Oct. 14, 2025, Microsoft will charge a fee for security updates to Windows 10. Upgrading to Windows 11 is currently free, so Microsoft may be hoping that an impending fee versus a free upgrade will entice many users.

Is Windows 11 100% free

Can I upgrade for free Upgrades to Windows 11 from Windows 10 will be free. Due to the size of the download, however, ISP fees may apply for downloads that occur over metered connections.

Alas, these days, most of those reports are from people confirming that the free upgrade offer no longer results in a valid digital license. That loophole officially closed on September 20, 2023, when Microsoft posted an inconspicuous announcement on a website for its hardware partners.I'm Sumit, here to answer your query at the Microsoft Community. As of now, yes the upgrade to Windows 11 Pro from 10 is free of cost.

Is Windows 10 free for lifetime : yes you need to buy windows 10 license one only which is valid for single pc and lasts forever which has all security release and upgrade free. (only internet charge you have to pay). As Microsoft confirm windows 10 is last version of OS of Windows series so there's no next version will came.