Why was Tony's arc reactor killing him?
In an alternate universe, Tony Stark used palladium as the core for his Arc Reactor. However, it started to poison him and would eventually kill him. Nick Fury told Natasha Romanoff to inject him with Lithium Dioxide to abate the symptoms of the poisoning.Stark had the arc reactor in his chest removed after receiving surgery to remove the shrapnel from his chest. He later removed the element and then threw the decommissioned unit into the ocean. Stark soon returned to building arc reactor technology and used a number of them to power later generations of Iron Man.The arc reactor keeps Tony Stark alive. In the different versions of Iron Man, Stark's group has been ambushed in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan. Stark sustained serious injuries as a result. He created the personal arc reactor to generate energy for an electromagnet keeping shrapnel away from his heart.

How did Tony survive without the arc reactor : Iron Man 3

Following the battle on the Norco, Tony Stark studied Extremis in order to cure Pepper Potts, and used a variant to survive his shrapnel removing operation. No longer requiring an Arc Reactor in his chest, he later drove to the ruins of his mansion and threw the Arc Reactor to the ocean.

Why is Tony’s blood toxic

Tony's arc reactor was powered using a palladium core. Over time, the palladium was broken down by neutron damage, releasing deadly toxins into Tony's bloodstream.

Did Iron Man fix his heart : Overview. Tony Stark has a damaged heart from the plane crash that the Mandarin caused, and because of that, he has an implant made by Dr. Ho Yinsen that keeps it beating. His implant is made out of a stabilized form of Kylight, a metal that is found in the abandoned Stark outpost in the Arctic.

Extremis on the Loose

Seeing no other option, he took a modified dose of Extremis to heal his injures and improve his neural interface with the armor and other technologies. The revitalized Iron Man then set out after Mallen.

In Iron Man 3, Potts is kidnapped by Aldrich Killian, who takes her hostage and injects her with the Extremis as part of his scheme to get revenge on Stark. She later uses her Extremis powers to kill Killian before Stark funds a surgery to cure her of Extremis.

Why was Tony dying in Iron Man 2

Movie: Directed by Jon Favreau. Inciting Event: After Tony makes a farce out of the Senate hearing to determine whether he must turn over his Iron Man suits to the government, it is revealed the palladium core that powers his Arc reactor is poisoning him. He's dying.Even though Tony Stark had his life-saving arc reactor removed in Iron Man 3, the McU's Iron Man still uses the technology during his later Marvel Studios appearances.Even assuming Tony was the only one who could have killed the Mad Titan, it wasn't exactly impossible for him to be healed. The critical damage he received could have been reversed by Doctor Strange. Stephen has brought back people from the dead before, with a notable case being Wong in the Doctor Strange film.

Fury provided Stark with some of his father's old things. He discovered an element that could fulfill his needs through a hidden message. He proceeded to re-create this new element (using the molecular structure provided by his father) and created another arc reactor that cured his palladium poisoning.

Why does Tony have no heart : Overview. Tony Stark has a damaged heart from the plane crash that the Mandarin caused, and because of that, he has an implant made by Dr. Ho Yinsen that keeps it beating.

Why did Tony turn into a zombie : Zombie Physiology: Stark was infected with an encephalopathic virus that overloaded his brain's limbic system, turning him into a zombie.

Could Tony Stark have survived

A far more feasible method of survival—and another one that stems from the comics—involves Tony's own inventions. Tony could have invented an AI version of himself that would have survived his physical death. This actually happens in the comics, and AI Tony acts as the assistant for his protege, Riri Williams.

Overview. Tony Stark has a damaged heart from the plane crash that the Mandarin caused, and because of that, he has an implant made by Dr. Ho Yinsen that keeps it beating. His implant is made out of a stabilized form of Kylight, a metal that is found in the abandoned Stark outpost in the Arctic.Though Pepper Potts might be the most well-known of Tony's love interests, she and her former boss have actually had more limited romantic interactions than you might think. In fact, Pepper wound up marrying Happy Hogan after a brief love triangle with Stark as the third point.

Did Pepper love Tony : Iron Man. Pepper worked as Tony's personal assistant for many years. Eventually, a mutual attraction developed between them, but neither acted on it. After Tony returned home from being kidnapped by the Ten Rings, Pepper shed a tear upon seeing him alive and safe.