Why was Captain America skinny?
"We filmed over 250 shots of Chris and used digital technology to 'shrink' him down to what we called 'Skinny Steve,'" said Johnston. "It's pretty amazing," added Evans. "They took shape out of my jaw line, they shrunk my skeleton and they made my shoulders less broad." While it may sound easy, it wasn't.But thanks to the magic of CGI, Deeny has one of the summer's most memorable screen roles in “Captain America: The First Avenger.” Deeny provided the emaciated frame for the skinny Steve Rogers, making the patriotic, but physically deficient soldier's transformation into the hunky freedom fighter portrayed by Chris …When he wakes up in the care of a nurse named Emily, she compels him to tell her his medical history. He lays out the exhaustive list, which includes everything from astigmatism to bone deformity. It's no surprise that a pre-serum Steve Rogers appeared so frail.

What is Captain America’s age : Chronologically Cap is 66 (the years he was frozen) add his “true” age of 39, giving us 105. After the jump to 1945, he presumably lived until 2023, which gives him an added 78 years to both of his ages. So overall, biologically Steve is 117, chronologically he's 183.

How to get a Captain America body

He explains: "Honestly, for Captain America I don't do a lot of cardio because I'm not trying to lose weight, it's all about putting on the muscle. It's big weights and training to put on the muscle. I mean, we might do a few sprints just to make sure I'm loose and conditioned, but that's about it, to be honest.

What was Steve Rogers disease : Steve's canonical list of health conditions— shown onscreen in “Captain America: The First Avenger” (henceforth referred to as “CA:TFA”) and in the Captain America museum exhibit in “CA:TWS” — includes asthma, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, sinusitis, heart palpitations, nervous trouble, bone/joint/other deformity, …

Rogers suffered from asthma, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, high blood pressure, and heart trouble, among other illnesses, and thus was frequently attacked by bullies on the streets. However, his resilience, despite his small stature, inspired Barnes to come to Rogers' aid and fight off the bullies when he was needed.

It says ~1050, but in Infinity War, Thor very clearly states he is 1500 years old.

How old is Steve in Cap 1

Steve "Captain America" Rogers was born on 4th July (obvs) 1918. He crashed into the Arctic sometime in 1945, at the age of 27, before being thawed out 66 years later, in 2011. For the events of Captain America: The First Avenger, he's still physically 27, but technically 93.Biologically he's about in his late-30s to early-40s. This is because he's 27 years old when he goes into ice for almost 70 years (which is said by Nick Fury at the end of The First Avenger) 2011-1945= 66. So if we take his biological age (27) and add on 12 years (the events of Endgame in 2023) we get 39.Steve RogersCaptain America. Recipient of the Super Soldier serum, World War II hero Steve Rogers fights for American ideals as one of the world's mightiest heroes and the leader of the Avengers. 240 lbs.

At just 5-foot-4-inch (1.63 m) tall and weighing only 90 pounds (41 kg), Rogers was also afflicted with a number of medical issues including asthma, scoliosis, heart arrhythmia, partial deafness, stomach ulcers, and pernicious anemia.

Did Cap and Peggy have a kid : Sharon RogersPeggy Carter / Children

How much IQ does Steve Rogers have : While his previous IQ was 120, after becoming Captain America his IQ jumped up to 250, making him a genius in terms of intelllect. While he is indeed smart, Cap prefers to take things into his own hand in the field. But his intellect isn't left worthless in the battlefield.

Is Loki 17 in human years

Around this time, Loki was born. In Thor 2 the life expectancy was stated to be around 5,000. The average human life in developed countries from what I've gathered is approximately 82. Therefore, in human years Loki is somewhere around 17.

While it is never addressed in-universe, MCU director Joe Russo confirmed Thanos was around 1000 years old in 2012's The Avengers when he first appeared in the MCU. Based on that, Thanos is younger than Thor and Loki, which, if revealed in one of the past two Avengers films, might have proven itself to be distracting.In the Marvel Comics, Steve Rogers appears able to live forever without aging. While he can be killed, he has lived for huge periods of time without aging at all because of the effects of the super serum and how it interacts with his cells.

Is Steve older than Bucky : Bucky was born on March 10, 1917, so he was already older than Steve, who was born on July 4, 1918, even before they became enhanced. Further, Captain America was frozen and preserved as he was in 1945 without thawing for nearly seven decades before he was revived.