Why Israelis more developed than Arab countries?
Israel has a technologically advanced market economy with cut diamonds, high-technology equipment and pharmaceuticals among its major exports. The country is very highly developed in terms of life expectancy, education, per capita income and other human development index indicators.The prosperity of Israel's advanced economy allows the country to have a sophisticated welfare state, a powerful modern military said to possess a nuclear-weapons capability with a full nuclear triad, modern infrastructure rivaling many Western countries, and a high-technology sector competitively on par with Silicon …A rapprochement between Israel and Sunni Arab states took place in the 2010s due to their shared fear of Shiite Iran and its nuclear program. Unofficial cooperation occurred with Saudi Arabia in particular, with intelligence services from both countries assisting each other and officials regularly sharing intelligence.

What is Israel’s main source of income : The most important economic sectors are technology, manufacturing, and diamond polishing and cutting. In 2022, Israel's GDP amounted to 501.4 billion U.S. dollars, and, according to estimates, it will increase to 611.8 billion U.S. dollars by 2026.

Why is Israel so advanced

Thanks to generous government incentives and the availability of highly trained human capital, Israel has become an attractive location for the research and development centers of leading multinational corporations around the world.

Who’s richer, Iran or Israel : And the nation that comes out on top here is the one with more money which is Israel Iran has a GDP of 413. Billion while Israel's GDP stands at $539. Billion this affects their respective military

Army: Israel: Israel has 80 attack helicopters and 1,680 main battle tanks, ranking 5th and 6th globally, respectively [2]. Egypt: Egypt has 150 attack helicopters and 4,145 main battle tanks, ranking 3rd globally for both categories [2].

While the State of Israel was established on 15 May 1948 and admitted to the United Nations, a Palestinian State was not established. The remaining territories of pre-1948 Palestine, the West Bank – including East Jerusalem- and Gaza Strip, were administered from 1948 till 1967 by Jordan and Egypt, respectively.

Can an Arab enter Israel

Israel allows tourists from every single nation, even those that do not recognize Israel. Every nationality is allowed to enter Israel, but some need a visa approved in advance. Check out our article on visas to Israel to see which type of visa you'll need for your journey.Israel was ranked 19th out of 189 countries on the 2019 UN Human Development Index, indicating "very high" development. It is considered a high-income country by the World Bank. Israel also has a very high life expectancy at birth. It is ranked 4th in UN's Global happiness index and second in index of young people.Israel's growth over the past decade has been commensurate with Western developed nations as is its per capita GDP (PPP), which is about $35,000/year – the third highest (behind Bahrain and the UAE) of the Middle Eastern countries not dependent on natural resources.

Origins of Israeli high-tech industry

The key factor which enabled high-tech industries based on information and communication technologies to take root and flourish in Israel was investment by the defense and aerospace industries, which spawned new technologies and know-how.

Why is Israel so innovative : Israel's unique society and culture, strong economy, government support, and "global-first" market approach are just a few of the factors that make Israel's innovation ecosystem one of the most successful in the world.

Who is richer Israel or Egypt : Egypt has a GDP per capita of 3,832 while Israel has a GDP per capita of $47,602, or over 12 times as much.

Who is stronger, Israel or Iran

Israel is clearly superior to Iran in terms of air power, according to the Global Firepower Index. In total, the Israeli army is equipped with 612 fighter jets, while Iran has 551. Beyond the figures, it's also the quality of the military aircraft that matters, Hinz told DW.

the Canaanites

In early times, Palestine was inhabited by Semitic peoples, the earliest being the Canaanites. According to tradition, Abraham, the common ancestor of the Jews and the Arabs, came from Ur to Canaan.In 1917, in order to win Jewish support for Britain's First World War effort, the British Balfour Declaration promised the establishment of a Jewish national home in Ottoman-controlled Palestine.

Which Arab countries do not accept Israel : 28 UN member states do not recognize Israel: 15 members of the Arab League (Algeria, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen); ten non-Arab members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Indonesia, …