Why is Thor so weak in Avengers?
His weakness wasn't really about his body shape. Yes he put on some serious weight during his 5 year depression. The sad truth is beyond keeping up with his battle fitness, mentally he had simply given up. All he cared about was burying his feelings, and that was why he took the time to get council from Frigga.He does not seem weaker than the other Avengers, in fact he is the strongest Avenger in terms of physical strength. Let's run through some of the Avengers and see if Thor would beat him/her or not.Among the Avengers, there are few who can match Thor's strength or powers. Not only is the Asgardian god of thunder one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, but he is driven to prove it whenever possible. That being said, he is not invincible.

Is Thor really powerful : Worthy Warrior and Weaponry

Thor, son of Gods, has enhanced longevity, augmented by the Golden Apples of Idunn. He also possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability and immunity to most diseases.

Was Thor stronger than Thanos

Infinity Gauntlet

Eric fought well, but even the real Thor would have fallen beneath Thanos' infinite might. Only Thanos could defeat Thanos, thanks in part to his own self-loathing.

Is Thor depressed in Endgame : After the major time jump in "Endgame," it was revealed that Thor's mental health seriously suffered in the five years since Thanos snapped his fingers. In addition to exhibiting symptoms of depression, alcoholism, and post-traumatic stress disorder, Thor had gained a noticeable amount of weight.

Although he is an extremely skilled marksman, Clint Barton is often considered to be the weakest member of the team seeing as he's just a regular guy with a bow and arrow. That certainly means that Hawkeye one of the weakest Avengers.

9 Thor Is Stronger Than Thanos But That Doesn't Mean He Can Beat Him. Thor and Thanos have tangled several times over the years, with Thanos being one of the few beings that Thor can't beat in a fight. However, that isn't for lack of trying and it isn't for lack of strength.

Is Hulk stronger or Thor

Hulk Is Stronger Than Thor, But He Still Loses

While this declaration may come as a shock for Thor fans, what he does after is even wilder: the blond-haired god charges himself with the power of thunder, and he strikes Nul so hard that he sends him into space, essentially ending the battle.He was shown to depower Thor and cast spells such as the worthiness enchantment as well as break Loki's spell to regain his memories. Now Odin did tell Thor he was stronger then him (Odin) which some interpret as Odin meaning Thor is stronger than Odin cause Thor now has his fathers power plus his own.Hulk Is Stronger Than Thor, But He Still Loses

He has centuries of battle experience, the hones skills of a warrior, and one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant.

At his peak, yes. Thor can survive snapping with the Infinity Stones. Thor has survived the full force of a reignited neutron star.

Did Thor hurt Thanos : Thor had Thanos comfortably beaten, yet did not strike a blow at his head, instead curiously deciding to sink Stormbreaker into the great Titan's chest.

Who is the 2 weakest Avenger : 10 Weakest Avengers With The Most Useful Powers

  • 8 Ant-Man II (Scott Lang)
  • 7 Wolverine.
  • 6 Black Panther.
  • 5 Black Widow.
  • 4 Captain America (Steve Rogers)
  • 3 Hawkeye.
  • 2 Ant-Man/Yellowjacket/Giant-Man/Goliath (Hank Pym)
  • 1 The Wasp.

Who is the 1 strongest Avenger

Strength of character, physical strength, mystical strength, you name it, and Thor has it. Hence, making him the strongest Avenger on this list. So Far we have adored and loved all these marvel heroes and have been awestruck seeing them work together as a team although some of our beloved characters are dead.

Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant. Hulk is practically immortal and has unlimited reserves of strength and stamina, so he can keep fighting forever. Thor's endurance, while godly, is not limitless, so he will eventually lose a prolonged battle.Infinity Gauntlet

Eric fought well, but even the real Thor would have fallen beneath Thanos' infinite might. Only Thanos could defeat Thanos, thanks in part to his own self-loathing.

Can Thor beat Zeus : Zeus. It should come as no surprise that, in a one-on-one battle of Zeus vs Thor, Zeus would easily triumph.