Why is Russia the biggest country?
Russia's vast territory is the result of centuries of geopolitical calculations, strategic acquisitions, and imperial expansion. Ruling families such as Ivan the Terrible and Catherine the Great left a huge territorial area that is largely responsible for modern-day Russia.Over the course of five centuries the tsars made Russia the world's largest country. They created a state defined by its physical geography, with a national identity rooted in territorial expansion, culminating in the conquest of Siberia. But it was the Soviets who shaped modern Russia's economic geography.These areas are characterized by extreme weather conditions, vast uninhabited stretches, and challenging terrain, making them less desirable for settlement or occupation. As a result, the majority of the Russian landmass remains sparsely populated. I hope this article answers your question about why Russia is so big.

What is unique about Russia’s size as a nation : Russia, the largest country in the world, occupies one-tenth of all the land on Earth. It spans 11 time zones across two continents (Europe and Asia) and has coasts on three oceans (the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic). The Russian landscape varies from desert to frozen coastline, tall mountains to giant marshes.

How did USSR get so big

Over the next two decades, the USSR became the world's largest country (building on what was already the world's largest country, Russia) as new republics were added from the lands that surrounded Russia and that had made up the old Tsarist empire.

Is Russia bigger than Europe : Of the seven continents, Europe is the second smallest, surpassing only Australia. It's no surprise that Russia, the largest country on Earth, dominates the continent (as it also does on the Asian continent).

Over the next two decades, the USSR became the world's largest country (building on what was already the world's largest country, Russia) as new republics were added from the lands that surrounded Russia and that had made up the old Tsarist empire.

And still is Baron devoid of vegetation or wildlife. And subject to extreme conditions in winter.

Why did Russia lose population

Through the 1990s, various factors – ranging from a large number of abortions to a low birth rate combined with a high death level and decreased life expectancy – contributed to the Russian demographic decline.Mercator Projection: The Mercator projection is a cylindrical map projection that preserves angles and shapes but distorts the size of land masses. As a result, countries located closer to the poles, such as Russia, are stretched out horizontally, making them appear larger than they actually are [1][2].During its existence, the Soviet Union produced many significant social and technological achievements and innovations. It had the world's second-largest economy and largest standing military. An NPT-designated state, it wielded the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world.

The very fact that for several postwar decades world politics was dominated by two superpowers–the US and the USSR–is unique in the history of the world.

Is Russia in 40% of Europe : European Russia covers the vast majority of Eastern Europe, and spans roughly 40% of Europe's total landmass, with over 15% of its total population, making Russia the largest and most populous country in Europe.

Is Russia as big as it looks on maps : Russia is an undeniably huge country, but its northern region, like Greenland, is close to the north pole so its size is significantly warped on the Mercator projection, such that Russia appears to dwarf every other landmass—in reality, it does not.

Where do 80% of all Russians live

About 80 percent of all Russians live EAST of the Ural Mountains. DURING World War II, the Soviet Union was engaged in political and ideological war with the West, particularly the United Sates, which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.

Defeat in the Crimean War further reduced Russian interest in this region. Russia offered to sell Alaska to the United States in 1859, believing the United States would off-set the designs of Russia's greatest rival in the Pacific, Great Britain.The population of Russia is expected to decrease from 146 million people in 2020 to 143 million in 2030 and 136 million in 2050.

What will the population of Russia be in 2100 : Moscow's Higher School of Economics (HSE) made its calculations using three models in which Russia's population could be maintained at 146 million by 2100.