Why is INFJ so rare?
INFJ. INFJ, also known as the advocate, counselor, or idealist, is the rarest type of personality in the general population. It represents about 1.5% of the general population in the United States.The INFJ personality type is something special in our society. Their deep empathy, heartfelt compassion, boundless creativity, unwavering integrity and pure idealism make them a treasure to have around.INFJs pick up on other people's moods, energy or intentions and can read them like a book. But they hide their own feelings behind a poker face, so it's tough for others to read them. It's a baffling combination, and people often say they never know what an INFJ is thinking.

Why are INFJs so attractive : In Short. INFJs are attractive because we understand people so well. We have a powerful intuition that allows us to dive into our partner's personality and understand them better than they understand themselves.

Can we trust INFJ

An immature INFJ will display erratic emotions and manipulative behavior, therefore you should be careful whether to trust or not,… however a mature INFJ will consider your feelings and logic while being one of the most trustworthy of types. There is a reason why the INFJ is considered the counselor.

Is it nice to be an INFJ : While they are quiet and sensitive, INFJs can also be good leaders. Even when they don't take on overt leadership roles, they often act as quiet influencers behind the scenes. INFJs are driven by their strong values and seek out meaning in all areas of their lives including relationships and work.

An INFJ can be unforgettable, both intentionally and unintentionally. Thing is that they tend to keep a low profile, so an INFJ can easily go around without being noticed, because they inspire confidence and people tend to kind of “ignore” their presence naturally and focus on “more important” things.

What is attractive about INFJs They're deep thinkers, but also good at gauging how much their listeners understand; this makes them really good conversationalists. They're original thinkers with extremely interesting minds. They are (sometimes) outstanding listeners.

Why most INFJs are single

In fact, INFJs are a personality type that takes dating very seriously. From an INFJ's point of view, this all-or-nothing approach makes sense. After all, it can take a long time for an INFJ to trust someone and open up to them.Many INFJs feel uncomfortable or awkward flirting, at least the traditional way. We would rather have a deep conversation with someone than tell silly jokes or give them random compliments. And you won't usually find us playfully touching someone we just met.What are INFJ eyes like Once you look into an INFJ's eyes, you can easily notice how intense their look tends to be. The look they give people they're interested in is usually very intense, indicating their deep sense of curiosity. INFJs enjoy staring right in others' eyes.

INFJs are often highly principled and have high standards for their partners and themselves. They tend to value honesty, communication, and loyalty more than other personality types. Sometimes, these standards may feel unrealistic and difficult for partners to navigate.

Is INFJ a good thing : INFJs are usually high achievers and excel in academics and the workplace. They can be perfectionists at times and put a great deal of effort into their work. Co-workers tend to feel that INFJs are hardworking, positive, and easy to get along with.

Is the INFJ stare attractive : The thing that INFJs use to flirt is their eyes. Their intense, curious gaze works perfectly well to attract people around them.

Is INFJ flirty

INFJs are known to be great at a lot of things. Flirting isn't one of them. Many INFJs feel uncomfortable or awkward flirting, at least the traditional way. We would rather have a deep conversation with someone than tell silly jokes or give them random compliments.

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, INFJ's best romantic partner is the ENTP. This is because the ENTP's Dominant function of Extroverted Intuition is best matched with the INFJ's Dominant function of Introverted Intuition.One reason INFJs may try to avoid their crush is because they're afraid they'll be too obvious with their feelings when they're around them.

Is INFJ stare real : INFJs usually get so swept away by their curiosity that they stare directly at people's eyes without feeling uncomfortable or intimidated at all. The intense, piercing stare is usually their natural process of analyzing the object of their interest and a defense mechanism if they feel insecure in specific situations.