Why is dance important?
Dancing can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes and sizes. It has a wide range of physical and mental benefits including: improved condition of your heart and lungs. increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness.Dancing helps bodies and minds relax as the music and surroundings take people away from their anxiety and frustration for a while. Mentally, they unwind and have fun, sharing a laugh or two. As their minds relax, their bodies follow. Their muscles loosen up and tension and stress melt away.Dance burns calories, strengthens muscles, improves balance, increases flexibility, and gives the heart a good workout. Dance has also been proven to increase cognitive development.

How does dance affect society : Benefits of Dance for the Community

They are able to provide many social and cultural improvements in the community and surrounding areas for children, teenagers and adults. They expand social and cultural interaction, and provide an overall community feeling of well-being and togetherness.

Why dance is special

What makes dancing a unique activity Dance is a unique activity that provides dancers with the opportunity to express themselves through movement instead of words. Dance can help one process thoughts and feelings that they may have trouble working through in their mind.

Why must I dance : Dancing promotes confidence, self esteem, personal expression and flexibility of the body and mind.

Dance is first and foremost a performance art. Creativity and self-expression are imperative to nourish the human spirit. Music and dance are an integral part of the human experience, and this is reflected in every culture across the globe. To dance is to create with your body.

Not only did dance fill my heart with joy, but it also motivated and inspired me, gave me confidence, taught me responsibility and teamwork, put me in great physical shape, and gave me an amazing social connection to my peers.

How dance has impacted the world

From ancient Egypt to modern hip-hop, dance continues to inspire audiences around the world. Apart from playing a vital role in different beliefs and cultures around the world, dance has also contributed to creating unforgettable moments in popular culture.As Kumari Middleton passionately observes, “dance teaches people about team work and respect, to think creatively and express themselves. It can break down gender inequality and teach people to support each other. It also requires people to look after their bodies and make healthy decisions.”It incorporates creativity, athleticism, and technique. There are so many different styles of dance because it is an art form that is forever changing. Anyone interested in dance can become versatile by training in many styles or choose to specialize in a specific style.

Yeah when they did the same study with men they found that the most attractive male dancers use faster leg movements. And engage their core which showed off their strength balance. And agility.

Why do humans want to dance : There are the obvious answers. We dance for physical fitness. We dance for mental clarity. We dance for emotional stability, and other such pluses.

Why do we love dancing : Dancing is a great way to reduce stress. It provides you an outlet using which you can deal with your feelings and anxieties. And the happiness hormones, endorphins, that release as a result of dancing contribute towards making you feel better about yourself and your life as a whole.

Is dance a talent or skill

Most children and adults can learn how to dance and acquire the skill. However, achieving a world-class status may require something beyond skills and practice. A bit of talent and lots of luck may play a huge role in making a certain dancer achieve fame and massive success.

Amongst many benefits, it gives you focus and discipline, pushing you to learn something new. Either way, any type of dancing will help shift your energy, it will give you confidence, and most importantly it will change your brain and body for the better – I guarantee it.Besides expressing one's feelings, message, or desire, dancing improves a person's creativity by letting them express movement on their own during rehearsal. Dancers do not only dance what they've learned but they also need to listen to the music and let their bodies do the talking.

How can dance influence people : Dance can be used as a vehicle for expression. It can help tell a story, convey feelings and emotions, and connect with others and with ourselves. Body movement can be expressive and communicative.