Consider these advantages afforded to those with ADD or ADHD: They excel in unstructured situations and conversations. They tend to be more intuitive. They tend to be much more creative.But then calling ADHD a "gift" got out of hand.
The gifts most frequently mentioned are hyperfocusing, creativity, empathy and compassion. Yet no valid research demonstrates that people with ADHD have these "gifts" to a greater degree than people without ADHD.ADHD can affect your life in many ways. Some of these can be negative, but there are also many positive things that can come from having ADHD, such as greater resilience, creativity, energy, and self-awareness.
Is there hope for someone with ADHD : Raising a child with ADHD isn't easy, but fortunately, help is out there. Thanks to modern psychiatry, ADHD is very treatable, and many individuals with ADHD go on to live full, normal lives. They just might need a little help learning to manage and cope with their disorder. To learn more about ADHD, we spoke with Dr.
Why are ADHD people special
Research has found that people with ADHD have more creativity and are better at idea generation than people without the disorder. 3 This creativity can lead to outside-the-box thinking that is needed for discovery and innovation.
Are ADHD people gifted : ADHD and giftedness are often considered learning differences, as they affect how you learn. There's a good deal of overlap in their symptoms and characteristics, which can make them challenging to distinguish from one another. Plus, it's not uncommon for gifted children to also have ADHD.
A People Person
Individuals with ADHD are bright, creative, and funny — often using self-deprecating humor to remind the world that perfection is wholly uninteresting. They've faced challenges, learned novel ways to manage their symptoms, and developed a sense of humility and self-respect along the way.
ADHD traits, such as novelty seeking, exploration, and vigilance, might have been an evolutionary benefit to our ancestors who had to move from place to place in search of new resources while being attentive to threats.
Why are people with ADHD so successful
People with ADHD are gifted with amazing drive, determination, energy and focus. Not surprisingly, a high proportion of top-level athletes have the condition. Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympic swimmer of all time having won an incredible 23 gold medals for swimming.“People with ADHD generally feel their feelings more strongly, tend to wear them on their sleeve, and tend to act on them more. This can make someone a lot of fun when things are going well, but can cause big strains on the relationship when the feelings being expressed are anger or frustration,” says Tuckman.There's a silver lining to ADHD.
Another study in Germany found that some symptoms, such as being impulsive and able to hyperfocus, make folks with ADHD great entrepreneurs.
The ADHD Gift: Loving Your Strengths
- ADHD Gift #1: Productivity. A crucial effect of extraordinary energy and hyperfocus creates a gift for ADHD grown-ups in productivity.
- ADHD Gift #2: Great energy.
- ADHD Gift #3: Innovation.
- ADHD Gift #4: Creativity.
- ADHD Gift #5: Hyperfocus.
Do ADHD people have higher IQ : ADHD and IQ
There's a common misconception that a person with ADHD automatically has a low IQ. Other people may believe that ADHD is always associated with high IQ. But neither of these assumptions is true. Depending on the severity of symptoms, ADHD can affect a person's ability to function at school and work.
Are ADHD people more talented : Many ADHDers are high achievers. They get advanced degrees, build thriving careers, and launch successful businesses. However, they've likely worked twice as hard as their peers to achieve it due to their (often undiagnosed) ADHD.
Why is ADHD a super power
Research has found that people with ADHD have more creativity and are better at idea generation than people without the disorder. 3 This creativity can lead to outside-the-box thinking that is needed for discovery and innovation. Hyperfocus: Many people with ADHD become hyperfocused on things that interest them.
Overall, ADHD is often seen as a handicap, but it can be a superpower if managed correctly. The key is to learn how to manage it and use it to your advantage. With the right strategies, individuals with ADHD can use their condition to unlock their inner strengths and become successful in life.#2 Some ADHD Traits Are More Attractive Than Others
However, men who primarily exhibited inattention were perceived as being withdrawn and uninteresting, leading to them being seen as less suitable for a relationship and overall less attractive.
Do people with ADHD have higher IQ : ADHD and IQ
There's a common misconception that a person with ADHD automatically has a low IQ. Other people may believe that ADHD is always associated with high IQ. But neither of these assumptions is true. Depending on the severity of symptoms, ADHD can affect a person's ability to function at school and work.