Why does Tony have no heart?
Overview. Tony Stark has a damaged heart from the plane crash that the Mandarin caused, and because of that, he has an implant made by Dr. Ho Yinsen that keeps it beating. His implant is made out of a stabilized form of Kylight, a metal that is found in the abandoned Stark outpost in the Arctic.Actually yes – but only slightly. In the comics, Tony did build a device to keep his heart beating after it was injured by shrapnel – but instead of being the sleek, compact arc reactor, it was a bulky chest plate that he needed to wear at all times to keep himself alive.Tony waa critically injured in a missle attack in Afghanistan; he has pieces of shrapnel in his chest from an explosion, which would migrate to his heart and kill him if the implanted electromagnet he wears wasn't holding them in place.

Why does Tony have in his chest : Pieces of shrapnel are stuck in his chest. However, the Ten Rings terrorists need him alive, so they have their other prisoner Dr. Yinsen attach an electromagnet to Tony's chest, keeping the shrapnel from reaching his heart.

Does Tony Stark have PTSD

Tony Stark displayed several common signs of PTSD including nightmares involving the traumatic event and avoidance of places that reminded him of the event.

How did Tony Stark cure himself : Fury provided Stark with some of his father's old things. He discovered an element that could fulfill his needs through a hidden message. He proceeded to re-create this new element using the molecular structure provided by his father and created another arc reactor that cured his palladium poisoning.

Even assuming Tony was the only one who could have killed the Mad Titan, it wasn't exactly impossible for him to be healed. The critical damage he received could have been reversed by Doctor Strange. Stephen has brought back people from the dead before, with a notable case being Wong in the Doctor Strange film.

Thus, while the “Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart” arc reactor was a lovely memento that served as a symbol for Tony Stark's rebirth into a more socially-conscious man, in the comics, his life-saving device basically discarded.

What is Tony Stark’s IQ

Is it possible to measure it Tony Stark's IQ is estimated at 270 which means that he is a super genius. Only 0.1% of the population comes close to that score.The arc reactor keeps Tony Stark alive. In the different versions of Iron Man, Stark's group has been ambushed in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan. Stark sustained serious injuries as a result. He created the personal arc reactor to generate energy for an electromagnet keeping shrapnel away from his heart.As Tony Stark/Iron Man, the actor looks to be taking his life-saving, power-generating arc reactor out of that hole and placing it back in, and it sure looks real and therefore kinda painful. But that chest is all fake, prosthetics from the makeup artists as seen in the step-by-step illustration below.

Tony Stark was suffering from PTSD. Since the attack in New York, Tony "couldn't sleep" and suffered bouts of anxiety as well as severe nightmares.

Is Tony Stark an addict : Unfortunately, this approach intentionally skips one essential comic book element of Tony Stark's arc: his alcohol addiction. Spanning nine issues, Iron Man's "Demon in a Bottle" depicts how after a series of misfortunes, Tony Stark uses alcohol consumption as a dangerous coping mechanism.

What is Tony Stark sick with : In an alternate universe, Tony Stark used palladium as the core for his Arc Reactor. However, it started to poison him and would eventually kill him. Nick Fury told Natasha Romanoff to inject him with Lithium Dioxide to abate the symptoms of the poisoning.

How did Tony heal himself

Extremis on the Loose

Seeing no other option, he took a modified dose of Extremis to heal his injures and improve his neural interface with the armor and other technologies. The revitalized Iron Man then set out after Mallen.

Despite the humor used in the movie when discussing his problems, Stark is a great example of a serious condition: Post-traumatic stress disorder.Because Iron Man's death is an absolute point in the MCU, Tony Stark can never be brought back without cataclysmic consequences.

What keeps Tony alive : The arc reactor keeps Tony Stark alive. In the different versions of Iron Man, Stark's group has been ambushed in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan. Stark sustained serious injuries as a result. He created the personal arc reactor to generate energy for an electromagnet keeping shrapnel away from his heart.