Why do guys like INFJ girls?
INFJs have a strong intuition that helps us to understand people on an emotional level and we like to help others in order to make this world a better place for everyone. This combination makes INFJ women extremely attractive because we want to create something meaningful with our lives.For sex, INFJs are most compatible with the ISTP and ESTJ personality types. For platonic friendships they tend to gravitate more towards other intuitive types, particularly the other intuition-dominant types (ENTP, ENFP and INTJ).INFJs deeply value their alone time, which allows them to recharge and reflect on their thoughts and emotions. This preference for privacy and selectiveness in relationships can contribute to their rarity, as they may be less visible or less likely to engage in large social circles.

What are INFJ eyes like : What are INFJ eyes like Once you look into an INFJ's eyes, you can easily notice how intense their look tends to be. The look they give people they're interested in is usually very intense, indicating their deep sense of curiosity. INFJs enjoy staring right in others' eyes.

Why are INFJs so cute

What is attractive about INFJs They're deep thinkers, but also good at gauging how much their listeners understand; this makes them really good conversationalists. They're original thinkers with extremely interesting minds. They are (sometimes) outstanding listeners.

How does INFJ flirt : Many INFJs feel uncomfortable or awkward flirting, at least the traditional way. We would rather have a deep conversation with someone than tell silly jokes or give them random compliments. And you won't usually find us playfully touching someone we just met.

Considering INFJ from the Myers-Briggs list of personalities perspective, the generally accepted ideal match is the ENTP personality. In addition, ENFP is also a great match as it can inspire and stimulate INFJs, while ENFJ can support the humanist function of INFJs'.

Among the 16 personality types it identifies, INFJ is considered the rarest, making up 1-3% of the population. Even more specifically, INFJ women demonstrate a remarkable combination of traits that set them apart as exceptionally insightful, creative, and compassionate individuals.

What is the INFJ female stare

INFJs usually get so swept away by their curiosity that they stare directly at people's eyes without feeling uncomfortable or intimidated at all. The intense, piercing stare is usually their natural process of analyzing the object of their interest and a defense mechanism if they feel insecure in specific situations.The thing that INFJs use to flirt is their eyes. Their intense, curious gaze works perfectly well to attract people around them.INFJs are known to be great at a lot of things. Flirting isn't one of them. Many INFJs feel uncomfortable or awkward flirting, at least the traditional way. We would rather have a deep conversation with someone than tell silly jokes or give them random compliments.

Yet, as intense as INFJ relationships can be, these personalities usually seek long-term commitment from a partner, not a casual fling. In fact, INFJs are a personality type that takes dating very seriously.

Do INFJs hide their crush : But the deep feelings of INFJs can scare others who are looking for something different—like something more casual or shallow. Since it's hard for us INFJs to hide the depth and sincerity of our affections, the people we like may realize early on that they won't be able reciprocate them.

Who is the best girlfriend for INFJ : INFJ Relationships FAQ

An INFJ should consider marrying an ENFP or ENTP. Both of these personality types place a high value on social life. This can help the INFJ gain confidence and social skills. They will also discover the more sociable side of themselves.

Is dating hard for INFJs

In fact, INFJs are a personality type that takes dating very seriously. From an INFJ's point of view, this all-or-nothing approach makes sense. After all, it can take a long time for an INFJ to trust someone and open up to them.

Many INFJs feel uncomfortable or awkward flirting, at least the traditional way. We would rather have a deep conversation with someone than tell silly jokes or give them random compliments. And you won't usually find us playfully touching someone we just met.An INFJ girlfriend will be very sensitive to her partner's emotions, and will try to quickly adapt to it by saying/doing things that are more or less appropriate for the situation. My F level is unbelievably high, which is why I can easily relate to others' feelings and show my empathy.

Is INFJ a softie : Since INFJs more introverted and prefer to think privately first, they come across as quiet and soft-spoken. However, INFJs are passionate and bold about their passions, ideas, helping others, and problem solving to make a lasting impact.