Why did Tony Stark get a new heart?
Tony Stark has a damaged heart from the plane crash that the Mandarin caused, and because of that, he has an implant made by Dr. Ho Yinsen that keeps it beating. His implant is made out of a stabilized form of Kylight, a metal that is found in the abandoned Stark outpost in the Arctic.The arc reactor keeps Tony Stark alive. In the different versions of Iron Man, Stark's group has been ambushed in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan. Stark sustained serious injuries as a result. He created the personal arc reactor to generate energy for an electromagnet keeping shrapnel away from his heart.Summary. Iron Man's direct replacement, Ironheart, has a cleverly inverted origin story that sets her apart from Tony Stark and establishes her as her own hero. Tony Stark's journey as a hero was defined by making mistakes and atoning for them, while Riri Williams started out as a genuinely heroic person from the start …

Why does Tony still have an arc reactor after Iron Man 3 : Stark's first arc reactor had two purposes: to keep the shrapnel from entering his heart, and to power his suits, which is still essential for his activities as Iron Man in the wake of Iron Man 3.

Does Tony Stark have PTSD

Tony Stark displayed several common signs of PTSD including nightmares involving the traumatic event and avoidance of places that reminded him of the event.

Why was Tony Stark sick in Endgame : Emaciated from lack of food and water, Stark recorded a message using his helmet for Pepper Potts explaining his situation on his time in space. Becoming lightheaded from exhaustion, Stark concluded that he will dream about Potts in his sleep before turning off the recording.

In the Iron Man 2 novelization, the new element created by Tony Stark to replace Palladium in the arc reactor is called Vibranium. This information would later be invalidated by Captain America: The First Avenger, where Vibranium is shown as a rare metal already existing in the 1940s.

He recreated the element by using a Particle Accelerator in his basement and created a brand new Arc Reactor to utilize the new core and a new suit that could better utilize the higher energy output, as well as cure him of the palladium poisoning in his blood.

Is Riri the new Iron Man

However, the Ironheart mantle is something decidedly different, hence why Ironheart can't simply be referred to as a female Iron Man. Riri was inspired by Stark and is honoring him, but she's not a replacement.Taking up the name Ironheart, she fought evil and proved to be smarter than Stark. She's not the only one either, as there are other Marvel heroes and villains who are more intelligent than Iron Man.In the Iron Man 2 novelization, the new element created by Tony Stark to replace Palladium in the arc reactor is called Vibranium. This information would later be invalidated by Captain America: The First Avenger, where Vibranium is shown as a rare metal already existing in the 1940s.

Between the events of The Avengers and Iron Man '3, Tony Stark created a new arc reactor. After defeating Killian, Tony used Extremis to help him remove the shrapnel from his chest, rendering his arc reactor obsolete. He tossed it into the ocean, off the ruins of his Malibu residence.

Does Tony Stark have a disorder : These doubts and supposed failures are amplified by Tony's post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Is Tony Stark an addict : Unfortunately, this approach intentionally skips one essential comic book element of Tony Stark's arc: his alcohol addiction. Spanning nine issues, Iron Man's "Demon in a Bottle" depicts how after a series of misfortunes, Tony Stark uses alcohol consumption as a dangerous coping mechanism.

Could Tony Stark have survived

A far more feasible method of survival—and another one that stems from the comics—involves Tony's own inventions. Tony could have invented an AI version of himself that would have survived his physical death. This actually happens in the comics, and AI Tony acts as the assistant for his protege, Riri Williams.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Despite the humor used in the movie when discussing his problems, Stark is a great example of a serious condition: Post-traumatic stress disorder.This meant that he would require an endless supply of Vibranium to keep up this cycle, which wasn't sustainable considering the Vibranium's rarity and it still belonging to Wakanda. Off-screen, it also makes sense for Marvel Studios to limit any outsiders' use of Vibranium, which includes Iron Man.

Who found vibranium first : Famed Wakandan scientist and Wakanda University professor Obinna Nwabueze discovered a new form of vibranium. Testing its subatomic structure, he concluded that the metal had some kind of sentience. The naturally occurring sentient metal came from the echo caves of the Dora Milaje, the king's personal guard.