Why can't Black Widow come back?
At the end of the film, Captain America does go back to a time before Black Widow died, but the problem with bringing back a Black Widow from that time is: 1) she may not want to go into her future with him, and 2) he doesn't know how to bring someone from the past back to the future.No, he tried to bring her back and failed because she gave her soul to the semi sentient soul stone and it refused to allow Hulk to undo that deal. The Natasha that sacrificed herself so that the Avengers could take the soul stone is dead and will stay dead.In a recent interview with Today (via Screen Rant), Johansson has addressed the rumors about her possible return to the MCU, assuring that she has no idea about those alleged plans by Marvel Studios, joking that if it were to happen, it would be a “zombie film.” She also confirms that Black Widow is definitely dead …

Is Black Widow gone forever : Marvel finally explained Black Widow sacrificed herself in Avengers: Endgame to save Hawkeye's family and her own chosen family, the Avengers. Hawkeye's guilt over his past actions as Ronin and Natasha's belief in not judging people on their worst mistakes drove their decision to want to sacrifice themselves on Vormir.

Why couldn’t Hulk bring Natasha back

It's possible that Hulk tried to convince Natasha to return to the land of the living and she refused. Conversely, she may have been unable to leave the Soul Stone because her sacrifice was permanent.

Why did Gamora survive but not Natasha : But the film itself contains a clue: Thanos killed his daughter Gamora in Infinity War to obtain the stone, and she's alive and well by the end of Endgame. She survives because she time travels from the past, skipping around the part of her history where Thanos sacrificed her.

Also, Natasha's actual death in Avengers: Endgame is much more complicated than the Oct. 16 date. She sacrificed herself so Clint Barton could retrieve the Soul Stone from Vormir in 2014, so she technically died in the past even though she was acting on behalf of the present.

With that in mind, now in the depths of Phase Five, these are the seven most powerful Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked.

  1. 1 The Scarlet Witch.
  2. 2 Doctor Strange.
  3. 3 Ant-Man.
  4. 4 Captain Marvel.
  5. 5 Thor.
  6. 6 Shang-Chi.
  7. 7 Hulk. Last Appearance: 'She-Hulk: Attorney at Law'

Is Black Widow dead for good

Natasha died in 2019's Endgame after sacrificing her life to secure the Soul Stone, which the Avengers needed to defeat Thanos. Now—meaning, in this new film, which is in the past—we find Black Widow on the run from authorities after helping Captain America free Bucky Barnes.In addition to bringing back the dusted, Hulk also attempted to resurrect Black Widow. However, he was positive she wasn't among the revived afterwards. A thoughtful new theory suggests that Hulk's certainty on the matter stemmed from having glimpsed her inside the Soul Stone.Feige, the president of Marvel Studios, told Vanity Fair last December that Downey's Iron Man will not return as it would ruin his perfect exit in “Avengers: Endgame.” “We are going to keep that moment and not touch that moment again,” Feige said at the time.

The Russo Brothers claim that the Soul Stone only works as a one-way exchange. While Red Skull does say “An everlasting EXCHANGE. A soul FOR A soul.” he really means, you must exchange a soul to get the soul stone, not that you can exchange the soul stone for a soul. So, in short, Natasha wasn't allowed to come back.

Did the Hulk love Natasha : Love Interests

It was revealed in Age of Ultron, that Bruce and Natasha both had romantic feelings for each other. Since she was in love with Hulk, Natasha was no longer scared by him. By then, Natasha was the one who was able to get to Hulk by reciting a small statement.

Why did the Hulk ignore Natasha : In not so many words, Bruce confirmed that he did have feelings for Natasha, but his fear was too great, and he felt that she would be in danger if she stayed with him. Natasha wouldn't take no for an answer, and the conversation quickly devolved into an argument.

Can the Infinity Stones bring back Natasha

The original Avengers went outside the Compound, taking some time to mourn Romanoff by the lake. Thor suggested that they could use the Infinity Stones they had collected to bring her back, but Barton told them that, according to the stone's Guardian, she couldn't come back.

Shiny, plump and black in color, widows are medium-sized spiders about a half-inch long. While females live up to three years, males typically live one to two months.39 years old

Natasha chose to be the sacrifice and so, Romanoff was 39 years old when she died, but the time travel in Avengers: Endgame creates a little bit of a complication. Romanoff and Barton used the Quantum Realm to journey back to 2014 so they could beat Thanos (Josh Brolin) to the Soul Stone by 4 years.

Who is the weakest Avenger : Although he is an extremely skilled marksman, Clint Barton is often considered to be the weakest member of the team seeing as he's just a regular guy with a bow and arrow. That certainly means that Hawkeye one of the weakest Avengers.