Who was the first choice for Hannibal?
Yet, funny enough, Hopkins wasn't the first choice to play Hannibal Lecter. At the time, a lot of names were loosely tossed around, from Robert De Niro to Robert Duvall. There were a few actors really interested in playing the part, reportedly Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman.Michelle Pfeiffer

Michelle Pfeiffer has revealed she turned down “evil” thriller The Silence of the Lambs as she was “uncomfortable” with its storyline. Pfeiffer was famously the first choice for the role of FBI agent Clarice Starling in the seminal 1991 horror movie, with Jodie Foster eventually winning an Oscar for the part.Brian Cox
Dr. Hannibal Lecter is a character created by the American novelist Thomas Harris.

Hannibal Lecter
Portrayed by Brian Cox (Manhunter) Anthony Hopkins (The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon) Gaspard Ulliel (Hannibal Rising) Aaran Thomas (young; Hannibal Rising) Mads Mikkelsen (Hannibal)
In-universe information

Did Hannibal love Clarice : In Thomas Harris's novel Hannibal, Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling became lovers – so why have all filmed adaptations avoided this ending Clarice Starling, the eponymous protagonist of Clarice, is Hannibal Lecter's opposite in every sense of the word.

Who else was considered for Hannibal

Sean Connery, Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Derek Jacobi, and John Lithgow were all also at one point considered for the role of Dr. Lecter, but of all of the candidates, Irons is the one that admittedly sounds like the best possible runner-up.

Why did Hannibal eat Mischa : Behind the scenes

In 1944, she and her brother were captured by a group led by Vladis Grutas. After a number of months of starvation, Mischa was killed and eaten by the group, some of her remains being fed to Hannibal. This event would be the catalyst into Hannibal's descent into serial murder and cannibalism.

In The Silence of the Lambs: Magic in the Making documentary, screenwriter Ted Tally opens up about some inspirations for Hannibal Lecter and Buffalo Bill, citing Ted Bundy and Gary Heidnik as reference points.

Anthony Hopkins is by far the most popular actor to portray Hannibal Lecter. Undoubtedly, his face is the one that most people think of when Hannibal Lecter is mentioned. In many ways, Hopkins sets the standard for Hannibal Lecter portrayals.

Why did Clarice offer her breast to Hannibal

Lecter's plan to brainwash Starling into believing she's Mischa ultimately fails, as she refuses to have her own personality sublimated. Then, in the novel's most controversial sequence, she opens her dress and offers her breast to Lecter; he accepts her offer and the two became lovers.He escaped incarceration whilst assisting Clarice Starling in capturing "Buffalo Bill". Seven years later, after a near death encounter with one of his surviving victims, he reunites with Starling and they become lovers.Hopkins called his agent back after reading the first 10 pages and said, "This is the best part I've ever read." He accepted the role after having dinner with Demme. Other actors considered for the role included Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman, Derek Jacobi and Daniel Day-Lewis.


A driving force behind the series and its popularity, the relationship between Will and Hannibal continues to be celebrated by fans and critics alike both for the on-screen chemistry of Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen as well as the complex dynamic between the characters, which burgeoned on romance.

Does Hannibal love Mischa : Mischa Lecter was the sister of Hannibal Lecter, who died when she was very young. She was one of the few people in his life Hannibal would ever really love.

Who killed Misha in Hannibal : Portrayed by

Mischa was an innocent little girl, who was adored by her parents and protected by her brother. In 1944, she and her brother were captured by a group led by Vladis Grutas. After a number of months of starvation, Mischa was killed and eaten by the group, some of her remains being fed to Hannibal.

What serial killer is Hannibal Lecter based on

Alfredo Ballí Treviño

Alfredo Ballí Treviño: The Killer Doctor Who Inspired the Character Hannibal Lecter. The famed literary and movie antagonist was based on a Mexican doctor who murdered his boyfriend in 1959.

The FBI were unaware that Lecter already knew who Buffalo Bill was. Lecter had once met Gumb years earlier through his patient (and Gumb's lover) Benjamin Raspail. Once he learned of a serial killer who had killed a girl from Ohio and had skinned his victims, Lecter deduced that it was Gumb.Alfredo Ballí Treviño

Alfredo Ballí Treviño: The Killer Doctor Who Inspired the Character Hannibal Lecter. The famed literary and movie antagonist was based on a Mexican doctor who murdered his boyfriend in 1959. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back.

Why did Hannibal drug Clarice : Now in his care, Hannibal does the logical thing with Clarice: He pumps her full of mind-altering drugs, tries to brainwash her then "help" her with her unresolved father issues through a gentle veneer of gaslighting, then tries to force her into becoming his long-dead younger sister Mischa.