Who was Snape's crush?
Lily Evans

Despite his attraction to the Dark Arts and Voldemort's ideology of wizard supremacy, Snape's love for Muggle-born Lily Evans, Harry's mother, eventually compelled him to defect from the Death Eaters.Severus Snape spent the majority of his life in love with Lily Potter. It is easy to understand why Snape, who had an unhappy homelife as a child, fell hard for the first person to show him love and kindness.Snape wasn't unrequitted, but he merely loved Lily in a puppy, childish way just the same way she loved him. He didn't mature his feelings until very late, as an adult, when she was already out of grasp. Remember what Rowling said when she was asked if Lily ever reciprocated Snape's feelings.

Why didn’t Lily love Snape : Lily Only Ever Saw Snape As A Friend

The fact Snape and Lily were only friends, and she only saw it as such, reveals a lot about his refusal to respect her boundaries. It seems his love was an ongoing obsession with her that lasted long after her death.

Who is Draco Malfoy’s boyfriend

Astoria GreengrassDraco Malfoy / Significant other

Who was Snape’s wife : Sometime before 1960, pure-blood witch Eileen Prince married Muggle Tobias Snape. They had one child, half-blood wizard Severus Snape. The marriage seemed to be unhappy, as they lived in near-destitution, frequently argued, and were neglectful of their son.

It was clear he only had a romantic interest in Lily from what we know of canon. And there was never a Mrs Severus Snape. He definitely never married.

Snape's obsession with Lily is therefore not just about her physical beauty or charm, but also about the fact that she represented a kind of emotional sanctuary for him. He saw her as a symbol of all the goodness and warmth that he had been denied in his life, and as a result, he became deeply attached to her.

Why did Lily hate James

She herself knows that James Potter is a bully, by this quote: "Messing up your hair because you think it looks cool to look like you've just got off your broomstick, showing off with that stupid Snitch, walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can –I'm surprised your broomstick can get …She missed Snape, but she knew she could never forgive him. Snape never stopped trying to make amends. But Lily remained steadfast. She could not, would not, forgive him.Harry Potter had a few love interests during his time at Hogwarts. Though he eventually settled down with Ginny Weasley, he also had a thing for Cho Chang in his earlier school years. Then, of course, there's his secret love for Draco Malfoy… Wait, what

Rolf ScamanderLuna Lovegood / Spouse

Luna married fellow naturalist Rolf Scamander, grandson of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them author Newt Scamander, considerably later in life than Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, who all married and started families in their early-to-mid twenties.

Who is Snape to Lily : He met Lily and Petunia Evans when he was nine. He fell deeply in love with Lily upon their meeting and became a close friend of hers. Severus started at Hogwarts with Lily in the 1971–1972 school year, where he was sorted into Slytherin House.

Is Harry Snape’s son : The movies follow the books closely enough that they aren't really separate universes, except for the fourth movie. There isn't any truly compelling evidence that Snape is Harry's father, because all the points you raise are explained. Snape hated Harry because Harry reminded him of the man who "stole" Lily.

Was Sirius Black in love with James

Despite all of this, Rowling states that Sirius's "redeeming quality is the affection that he is capable of feeling. He loved James like a brother and went on to transfer this attachment to Harry."

Obviously Lily ultimately chose James Potter over Severus Snape, and Lily and James got married and had their only child, Harry Potter. But Lily could have just as easily made another choice, and despite some of Snape's more obvious negative qualities she certainly did have strong feelings for him as well.Lily was not a possession or an object, someone to be won by the best man. She had feelings and emotions and had the right to reject or accept anyone. It's pointless to argue that Snape “deserved” Lily because he was a more sympathetic character who went through some bad crap.

Who is Draco’s first crush : J.K. Rowling said that Draco had a crush on Hermione Granger, but he doesn't show that, beacuse Hermione was a Gryffindor, Harry's friend, and also a muggle-born. After the Battle for Hogwarts, Draco fell in love with Astoria Greengrass, and they had son Scorpius.