Who is the stronger than Thor?
Odin. Even at the time of his MCU debut, Thor wasn't the MCU's strongest character. That title, at that time, belonged to Anthony Hopkins' Odin. The patriarch of the Norse pantheon and the King of Asgard, Odin possessed an incalculable degree of power in the MCU, even at his advancing age.Steve Rogers is one of the few mortals able to not only lift Mjolnir, but wield its full power, making him someone who legitimately could defeat Thor. Assuming the reason for their battle is due to Thor being deceived, possessed, or otherwise out of his mind, Cap would be able to use Mjolnir against him.Loki is more powerful than Thor, as long as its not a battle. Thor is the asgardian god of battle, literally.

Does Thor surpass Odin : Now Odin did tell Thor he was stronger then him (Odin) which some interpret as Odin meaning Thor is stronger than Odin cause Thor now has his fathers power plus his own. But we have to remember two things. Odin himself said Mjølnir only channeled Thor's power, Thor just needed to learn to use it naturally.

Can Thor beat Zeus

Zeus. It should come as no surprise that, in a one-on-one battle of Zeus vs Thor, Zeus would easily triumph.

Can Odin beat Zeus : So while Zeus' best feat is defeating a mountain-sized monster, Odin's best feat is defeating a monster as big as nine worlds. Odin outclasses Zeus in intelligence, versatility, strength, and weapons. Zeus simply can't compete. The winner is Odin, All-Father of the Æsir.

Hulk Is Stronger Than Thor, But He Still Loses

He has centuries of battle experience, the hones skills of a warrior, and one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant.

5 Thor Has Yet To Conquer His Father, The Almighty Odin

Odin is the bearer of an ancient power named after the current king of Asgard– the Odinforce.

What god is stronger than Thor

Odin. Odin is basically Thor and all the other Asgardians rolled into one—though he's even wiser, more experienced, and minus one eye. As the default King of Asgard, Odin is easily the most powerful being in his realm.So while Zeus' best feat is defeating a mountain-sized monster, Odin's best feat is defeating a monster as big as nine worlds. Odin outclasses Zeus in intelligence, versatility, strength, and weapons. Zeus simply can't compete. The winner is Odin, All-Father of the Æsir.Portrayed by Anthony Hopkins, Odin is the powerful ruler of the Nine Realms who has sworn to protect every kingdom under his rule. With Odin still ruling Asgard, Thanos would have easily been stopped had he made a play for the Infinity Gauntlet.

As Skyfather of Olympus, Zeus wields power comparable to Odin, whose wrath Thanos has withstood but not bested. At the same time, Zeus cannot truly die. While the most powerful of Olympians can be badly wounded or even dismembered, he can never actually pass on into oblivion.

Can Superman beat Thor : While Superman could potentially overpower Thor, blows rendered by the mystical Mjolnir would likely impose serious damage on the Kryptonian hero. With his super-speed, the Man of Steel could probably avoid the Thunder God's lightning, but not necessarily, since Thor is just as fast.

Is Thor stronger than Thanos : Infinity Gauntlet

Eric fought well, but even the real Thor would have fallen beneath Thanos' infinite might. Only Thanos could defeat Thanos, thanks in part to his own self-loathing.

Is Thor the strongest god

Thor Is The Mightiest God Of All

But the Odinson's ascension as the King of Asgard has clearly come with more than a few perks, including greater power than ever before.

In a Zeus vs Thor scenario, Zeus would probably end up the victor, but the same goes for his son, Hercules. Technically speaking, he's only a demigod, but, if any biceps could outsize Thor's, then it is the Herculators.Who would win in an MCU fight: Odin or Thanos Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos stands little chance against Prime Odin. Odin is stated to be able to shatter the Earth.

Can Hulk defeat Odin : Unless Hulk gets some cosmic powers like Galactus and defenses against magic, Odin will stomp Hulk. Odin would crush hulk! Odin is the most powerful being in the nine realms outside of cosmic entities. Even at his most powerful World Breaker Hulk version Odin absolutely destroys.