Who is Snape's least favorite student?
He reportedly was friends with a gang of Slytherins who later became Death Eaters, including Avery, Mulciber, Bellatrix Black, Rodolphus Lestrange, Evan Rosier and Wilkes.Potions Master

Snape first appears in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, shortly after Harry arrives at Hogwarts. He is the school's Potions Master, though he is widely rumoured to covet the Defence Against the Dark Arts post.We dont know the full extent of who he was friends with, but during his time at Hogwarts he was best friends with Lilly Evans (later Potter) and we also know that Snape became good friends with Lucius Malfoy.

Did Slytherin students like Snape : From what we see yes. We see several times over the course of the series that despite the other houses fearing/disliking him, the Slytherins have genuine respect for Snape and view him as their “cool teacher”.

Who is Draco Malfoy’s boyfriend

Astoria GreengrassDraco Malfoy / Significant other

Who bullied Severus : James' rivalry with Severus Snape also started early when he insulted the wizard while on the Hogwarts Express. Since then, James and his friends, also known as the Marauders, taunted Snape throughout most of their schooling.

Lily Only Ever Saw Snape As A Friend

As much as people romanticize Snape's infatuation with Lily, the fact she did not love him back romantically is ignored. The fact Snape and Lily were only friends, and she only saw it as such, reveals a lot about his refusal to respect her boundaries.

Furthermore, Merlin's firm stance on Muggle protection sees him defeat the villainous Morgan Le Fey, in a truly heroic moment for the Slytherin house.

  • Horace Slughorn.
  • Cedrella Weasley.
  • Scorpius Malfoy.
  • Leta Lestrange.
  • Adrian Pucey.
  • Severus Snape.
  • Phineas Black.
  • Albus Potter.

Why did Snape hate Neville

Thus, the answer is simple – Snape mistreated Neville as he was nearly the chosen one. Had Voldemort picked Neville instead of Harry, Lily's life would have been spared. Snape relieved his dark past through Neville Longbottom and therefore resorted to mistreating and insulting the almost-chosen one of Harry Potter.Harry Potter had a few love interests during his time at Hogwarts. Though he eventually settled down with Ginny Weasley, he also had a thing for Cho Chang in his earlier school years. Then, of course, there's his secret love for Draco Malfoy… Wait, whatIt's safe to assume that Draco's hatred of Harry was fueled by jealousy. Although Draco attempted to disguise his jealousy with confidence, it still makes an appearance throughout the franchise. Harry is an incredibly talented wizard – something which Draco greatly admired.

Lily Potter

Severus Snape spent the majority of his life in love with Lily Potter. It is easy to understand why Snape, who had an unhappy homelife as a child, fell hard for the first person to show him love and kindness.

Who did Snape hate : Snape hated Neville because he was a daily reminder Lily Potter could have lived. Snape's guilt over his part in her being targeted by Voldemort in the first place was bad enough, but to see a living, breathing reminder that things could have played out differently even after that act made Snape particularly vicious.

Was Lily nice to Snape : Lily Only Ever Saw Snape As A Friend

It seems his love was an ongoing obsession with her that lasted long after her death. This is supported by his sullen insistence that James was to blame for everything wrong. Had he mourned Lily and moved on without holding on to his grudges, it would have been much more palatable.

Which house hates Slytherin

The Gryffindors think Slytherins aren't noble, which doesn't help.

The female Slytherins in Harry's year were Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, and Tracey Davis.He simply didn't value the Gryffindor traits as much as he valued others. We really don't see much of an average day's activity at Hogwarts, so it is hard to say. Maybe Snape gets on just fine with quiet Gryffindors. We would need to see how Snape interacts with Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs as well for comparison.

Why did Snape not fight back against McGonagall : But what McGonagall doesn't know is that Snape is actually a double agent working for Dumbledore, so he has no intention of harming her. That being said, Snape holds back quite a bit. Many fans, however, like to speculate who would have won the duel had Snape given it his all.