Who did Steve Rogers love?
He most definitely loved both Peggy and Bucky, with the latter considered to be in a romantic sense as well for many fans. While Peggy was his actual love interest, Steve's love for Bucky was such that they can be considered each other's true loves, even if it's seen in a platonic context.Peggy Carter (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Peggy Carter
Spouse Steve Rogers
Significant others Fred Wells (ex-fiancé) Daniel Sousa (ex-boyfriend)
Relatives Sharon Carter (niece)
Nationality British


It can only be the love story of Rogue and Gambit. There are plenty of thriving couples among the mutant population in the Marvel Universe, but none with quite the same kinetically charged passion as Rogue (“Anna Marie”) and Gambit's (Remy LeBeau) fan-favorite romance.

Who was Captain America’s first love : Peggy Carter

Margaret "Peggy" Carter
Full Name Margaret Elizabeth Carter

Who did Steve Rogers kiss

Sharon Carter

Steve Rogers kissing Sharon Carter in Captain America: Civil War earned a lot of raised eyebrows as it's mostly interpreted as a betrayal to his commitment to Peggy Carter. It didn't help that the two ladies are blood relatives as aunt and great-niece, with Agent 13 speaking at the S.H.I.E.L.D. founder's funeral.

Are Bucky and Steve in love : I honestly wouldn't have been shocked if Civil War had ended with Steve telling Bucky, "It still isn't over," while they got drenched by a monsoon. In a strictly platonic sense, of course. Bucky is the closest thing Steve has to family even before he falls out of the 1940s and ends up in modern day America.


Lorraine was reading a newspaper which headlined the Liberation of Allied Prisoners of War when he came to speak to Phillips. She tried to seduce Steve Rogers by kissing him, claiming to be thanking him for his bravery on behalf of the women of the country, but was interrupted due to Peggy Carter's interference.

Secret Wars: 25 Years Later, Sarah Rogers is the daughter of Steve Rogers and Rogue (whose personality has been overtaken by Carol Danvers), wields her father's shield, and is worthy of Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. Crusader is Marvel's ultimate hero of the future.

Who is Captain Rogers son

James Rogers

James Rogers, named after Cap's best friend Bucky, first appeared in 2008's Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow where the children of the Avengers take up their mantles to defend Earth. James retained all the same abilities as his father due to the super soldier DNA.The Endgame kiss comes at the very end of the film's runtime, after Steve has decided to remain in the past and spend his life with Peggy.In the final minutes of that movie, Steve Rogers travels back in time to find young Peggy and live out the rest of his life with her. We know from Captain America: The Winter Soldier that Peggy got married and had two kids, and Endgame seems to confirm that her unseen husband was actually Steve Rogers post-time travel.

His unwavering love of Peggy makes Steve's character arc even more tragic, knowing that he's lost so many years that could've been spent with her.

Is Natasha in love with Steve Rogers : Tony made sure that their son knows of their legacies and how they died to ensure that he got far away from Ultron's grasps. In the Earth 616, Marvel's main universe, their relationship is completely different, Natasha and Steve are platonic friends and never had romantic feelings for each other.

Who is Bucky’s love interest : Natasha Romanoff

Bucky's Buds

While under control of the Russians, Barnes meets and begins falling in love with Natasha Romanoff, who goes onto become the Black Widow. He reunites with her after regaining his senses in the modern era.

Who married Bucky

Surviving the war and believing Captain America's death, Bucky eventually marries Gail Richards and has a large extended family. During which, Bucky is diagnosed as having lung cancer from chain smoking back in the War. Barnes and Gail both live to see Steve's revival in the 21st century and renews their friendship.

Captain America: TFA | Steve and Peggy – Kiss Scene | Disney+ [2011] – YouTube.The writers of "Avengers: Endgame" confirmed that Steve is the father of Peggy's children and that they likely have super soldier DNA. While Steve's children have not appeared in the MCU, in alternate universes he has a son named James Rogers and a daughter named Sarah, both of whom inherit his superhero abilities.

Does Steve Rogers get married : After returning the Infinity Stones to their original timelines, he remains in the 1940s with his lost love Peggy Carter; they marry, and Rogers lives a full life. Rogers chooses Sam Wilson to be his successor, passing his shield and the title of Captain America onto him.