Who defeated Thanos?
I understand in Avengers Endgame Iron Man defeated Thanos by snapping his fingers with the Infinity Stones but I'm wondering in the comics how was Thanos defeated/killed, who did it and which comic/story was it inPortrayed by Anthony Hopkins, Odin is the powerful ruler of the Nine Realms who has sworn to protect every kingdom under his rule. With Odin still ruling Asgard, Thanos would have easily been stopped had he made a play for the Infinity Gauntlet.10 Heroes Everyone Forgets Defeated Thanos

  1. 1 1. Ka-Zar. Thanos is one of the strongest beings in the entire Universe.
  2. 2 2. Lock Jaw. Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers was one of the cutest Marvel series written to date.
  3. 3 3. Squirrel Girl.
  4. 4 4. Deadpool.
  5. 5 5. Star-Lord.
  6. 6 6. Drax.
  7. 7 7. Wolverine.
  8. 8 8. Thor.

Who killed who killed Thanos : On Earth-838, Thanos is killed on Titan by the Illuminati, who use the Book of Vishanti to impale him with his own double-sided sword. In another alternate universe, Thanos is killed with Gamora by Ronan the Accuser, and Nebula escapes from his shadow and joins the Nova Corps.

Who is stronger than Thanos

Kulan Gath surpasses Thanos as the ultimate bad guy, as seen when he not just defeated the Avengers but killed most of Earth's heroes in a shocking and terrifying display of this Conan the Barbarian villain's power. To add insult to injury, Kulan Gath ate them afterward.

Who killed the Hulk : While Hulk was fighting against the soldiers, Yellowjacket inside his body hit his heart with the Pym Particle Disc, causing it to enlarge. Hulk's body suddenly swells and explodes, much to Ross' horror and distraught.

While Thanos has demonstrated a strong combat capability, dismantling Hulk in a series of rapid, well-aimed punches in Infinity War, taking into account Goku's Ki, transformations, and absolute refusal to give up until he's given it his all, Goku comes out on top.

Who would win in an MCU fight: Odin or Thanos Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos stands little chance against Prime Odin. Odin is stated to be able to shatter the Earth.

Who killed Thor

Answer and Explanation: According to Norse mythology, Thor dies in an epic battle with a monstrous serpent named Jörmungandr, also known as the Midgard (middle earth) Serpent. Both opponents meet their death in this battle, which is a part of the ultimate destruction of the current world, known as Ragnarök.Although he is an extremely skilled marksman, Clint Barton is often considered to be the weakest member of the team seeing as he's just a regular guy with a bow and arrow. That certainly means that Hawkeye one of the weakest Avengers.Crossbones snipes at him while he was walking Sharon Carter (Agent 13; Cap's girlfriend), who has been brainwashed by Doctor Faustus, posing as a S.H.I.E.L.D. psychiatrist, delivers the killing shot. Overwhelmed with guilt, S.H.I.E.L.D. director Tony Stark and Black Widow hunt Captain America's murderers.

1 Winner: Thanos

On top of that, Thanos' skin is built like a rock and he is invulnerable to the point of immortality. Vegeta will only stand a chance if he plays his cards right and saves enough stamina to take the battle as deep as possible.

Can Zeus beat Thanos : As Skyfather of Olympus, Zeus wields power comparable to Odin, whose wrath Thanos has withstood but not bested. At the same time, Zeus cannot truly die. While the most powerful of Olympians can be badly wounded or even dismembered, he can never actually pass on into oblivion.

Is Thor stronger than Thanos : Infinity Gauntlet

Eric fought well, but even the real Thor would have fallen beneath Thanos' infinite might. Only Thanos could defeat Thanos, thanks in part to his own self-loathing.

Who kills Loki


Loki's Death – Thanos Kills Loki Scene | Avengers Infinity War (2018) IMAX Movie Clip HD 4K – YouTube.

Strength of character, physical strength, mystical strength, you name it, and Thor has it. Hence, making him the strongest Avenger on this list. So Far we have adored and loved all these marvel heroes and have been awestruck seeing them work together as a team although some of our beloved characters are dead.10 Most Brutal Avengers Villains

  1. 1 Ultron. Ultron conquered the world in alternate Marvel timelines, showing just how brutal he truly is.
  2. 2 Red Skull.
  3. 3 Grim Reaper.
  4. 4 Thanos.
  5. 5 Hulk.
  6. 6 Kang The Conqueror.
  7. 7 The Masters Of Evil.
  8. 8 The Celestials.

Which Avenger is killed by Kang : Kang is the one who killed Iron Man and the others

In the final episode, this Kang variant explains to Loki and Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) that they got there only because he paved the road for them—every step of the way.