Which tank won WW2?
The T-34
The T-34, produced in 1940, was arguably the best tank of the war. From the very start, the T-34 achieved that crucial balance between armour, firepower and mobility that eluded British tank designers for so long.However, it's estimated that the Germans lost a significant number of tanks on the Eastern Front, with some estimates suggesting that they lost as many as 50,000 tanks during the entire war.The M4 Sherman
A Marine M4A3 Sherman tank burns a Japanese position on Iwo Jima. US Marine Corps photo by Mark Kauffman, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. In the winter of 1864, Union Gen.

Why were German tanks better in WWII : The German 88 is more powerful than any American tank gun used during the course of most of the war. The German tank is much heavier and therefore its armor is much thicker than that of any American tank. The tracks of the former are much wider, with perhaps a less vulnerable suspension system than that of the latter.

Why was the T-34 so good

When introduced, its 76.2 mm (3 in) tank gun was more powerful than many of its contemporaries, and its 60-degree sloped armour provided good protection against anti-tank weapons. The T-34 had a profound effect on the conflict on the Eastern Front, and had a long-lasting impact on tank design.

Who had better tanks in WWII : Soviet
By October 1942, the general opinion was that Soviet tanks were among the best in the world, with Life magazine writing that "The best tanks in the world today are probably the Russian tanks…". The T-34 outclassed every German tank in service at the time of its introduction.

At the end of the day, there's no realistic scenario where Germany wins WW2. The only reason they ever thought it was possible was because they (incorrectly) believed that BOTH the Soviet Union AND the United States, the two largest industrial powers in the world, would just roll over and surrender rather than fight.

So, it seems inevitable that the main tank destroyers were the Germans. Otherwise, they would not have survived that long. Some article puts the quantity of Soviet tanks losses in the range of 80.000, with another 13.000 other armored vehicles.

Did tanks help win ww2

The Russians had the T-34, a tank that was well armed, versatile and manufactured in huge numbers. It played a key role in helping turn the tide on the Eastern Front in favour of Soviet Russia. By the later years of the war, the German advantage had lessened.In some ways the t-34 does infact have better armour than the tiger 1 at by it beeing sloped wich causes some shells to ricochet at high angles. The germans later adopted this sloped armour technology for their later tanks like the panther and tiger 2.Its long-barreled, high-velocity 75-mm gun had good range and penetrating power against most enemy tanks, and the Panther's armour—80 mm thick at the front and 40–45 mm on the sides and rear—was sloped so that shells would ricochet off it.

Exacerbating this was the fact that the T-34/76 had relatively poor main gun optics quality, no turret basket, a very cramped and low turret (the gun could not depress more than three degrees severely restricting use on a reverse slope or at close range), poor turret drive reliability, no radios, and generally poor …

Did tanks help win WW2 : The Russians had the T-34, a tank that was well armed, versatile and manufactured in huge numbers. It played a key role in helping turn the tide on the Eastern Front in favour of Soviet Russia. By the later years of the war, the German advantage had lessened.

Were German tanks better in WWII : American tanks in World War II were generally inferior to their German counterparts. German tanks boasted better armor protection and more firepower. But armor and lethality don't tell the whole story. The same American tanks were superior to their rivals in other important ways.

Who actually beat Germany in ww2

After the Allied invasion of France, Germany was conquered by the Soviet Union from the east and the other Allies from the west, and capitulated on 8 May 1945. Hitler's refusal to admit defeat led to massive destruction of German infrastructure and additional war-related deaths in the closing months of the war.

Stalin said “Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war.” Marshal Zhukov, perhaps the most important allied General of the war, said that without lend-lease the Soviet Union “could not have continued the war.”History shows tanks alone don't win battles. The British first used hundreds of tanks at the battle of Cambrai in November 1917 – to end the deadlock of static trench warfare. Initially they made significant advances, but many tanks soon broke down and a German counter offensive turned British gains into losses.

Could a T-34 destroy a Tiger : Tiger and King Tiger tanks have specific weakness, in the side and rear armour in particular, so if a T-34/76 crew could slip into the right position, or be hidden and allow the Tiger to pass by, they would have a clear shot into the vulnerable side or rear aspect of the tank.