Which Avenger can kill Thor?
Steve Rogers is one of the few mortals able to not only lift Mjolnir, but wield its full power, making him someone who legitimately could defeat Thor. Assuming the reason for their battle is due to Thor being deceived, possessed, or otherwise out of his mind, Cap would be able to use Mjolnir against him.Odin. Even at the time of his MCU debut, Thor wasn't the MCU's strongest character. That title, at that time, belonged to Anthony Hopkins' Odin. The patriarch of the Norse pantheon and the King of Asgard, Odin possessed an incalculable degree of power in the MCU, even at his advancing age.Although he is an extremely skilled marksman, Clint Barton is often considered to be the weakest member of the team seeing as he's just a regular guy with a bow and arrow. That certainly means that Hawkeye one of the weakest Avengers.

Is Thor the strongest Avenger : Blessed with the powers and long life of a god, Thor was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the initial version of the Avengers. Not only can he fly and transport between worlds, but he was also the only one capable of taking down Thanos, even after he had assembled all six Infinity Stones.

Can Hulk beat Thor

Hulk Is Stronger Than Thor, But He Still Loses

He has centuries of battle experience, the hones skills of a warrior, and one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant.

Can Tony beat Thor : Tony's strongest Iron Man armor indeed emits high levels of energy, but nothing close to 3,000 gamma bombs. If Hulk's latest feat isn't enough to vaporize Thor, there's likely nothing Iron Man can do to permanently beat the God of Thunder.

Odin hands down. He is one of the most powerful entities in the Marvel Universe. He is in his prime right now and he could easily manhandle his son. In the comics he has taken away Thor's power several times and has restored it several times without ever laying a hand on him.

Strength of character, physical strength, mystical strength, you name it, and Thor has it. Hence, making him the strongest Avenger on this list. So Far we have adored and loved all these marvel heroes and have been awestruck seeing them work together as a team although some of our beloved characters are dead.

Who is the 2 weakest Avenger

10 Weakest Avengers With The Most Useful Powers

  • 8 Ant-Man II (Scott Lang)
  • 7 Wolverine.
  • 6 Black Panther.
  • 5 Black Widow.
  • 4 Captain America (Steve Rogers)
  • 3 Hawkeye.
  • 2 Ant-Man/Yellowjacket/Giant-Man/Goliath (Hank Pym)
  • 1 The Wasp.

Infinity Gauntlet

Eric fought well, but even the real Thor would have fallen beneath Thanos' infinite might. Only Thanos could defeat Thanos, thanks in part to his own self-loathing.He has centuries of battle experience, the hones skills of a warrior, and one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant.

While Superman could potentially overpower Thor, blows rendered by the mystical Mjolnir would likely impose serious damage on the Kryptonian hero. With his super-speed, the Man of Steel could probably avoid the Thunder God's lightning, but not necessarily, since Thor is just as fast.

Can Wanda defeat Thor : Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel Comics Thor Stomps The Scarlet Witch. The outcome is already clear in the Uncanny Avengers Vol. 1 #4 After Thor doesn't yield, She went all out on Thor but she simply couldn't overpower him and “cast a hex down” his throat The combined efforts o…

Can Thor beat the Hulk : Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant. Hulk is practically immortal and has unlimited reserves of strength and stamina, so he can keep fighting forever. Thor's endurance, while godly, is not limitless, so he will eventually lose a prolonged battle.

Can Thor beat Zeus

Zeus. It should come as no surprise that, in a one-on-one battle of Zeus vs Thor, Zeus would easily triumph.

Who would win in an MCU fight: Odin or Thanos Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos stands little chance against Prime Odin. Odin is stated to be able to shatter the Earth.With that in mind, now in the depths of Phase Five, these are the seven most powerful Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked.

  • 7 Hulk.
  • 6 Shang-Chi.
  • 5 Thor.
  • 4 Captain Marvel.
  • 3 Ant-Man.
  • 2 Doctor Strange.
  • 1 The Scarlet Witch.

Who is the top 2 strongest Avenger : With that in mind, now in the depths of Phase Five, these are the seven most powerful Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked.

  • 7 Hulk.
  • 6 Shang-Chi.
  • 5 Thor.
  • 4 Captain Marvel.
  • 3 Ant-Man.
  • 2 Doctor Strange.
  • 1 The Scarlet Witch.