What was wrong with Tony in Iron Man 2?
Tony Stark used palladium as the core for his Arc Reactor, but it was increasing his blood toxicity. After searching for every known element, he still could not find one that would not get destroyed, so he had to remain with the palladium. Natasha Romanoff, aware of this problem, informed Nick Fury of his condition.palladium blood poisoning

In the months following Tony Stark's continued activities as the armored hero Iron Man, he became afflicted with palladium blood poisoning from the degrading palladium cores from the Arc Reactor embedded in his chest, accelerated by the continued use of his Armored Suit.Here's the thing: there are two primary conflicts engaged with by Iron Man 2 (although neither is provided with sufficient payoff)—1. Ownership of the Iron Man technology, and 2. Tony Stark's image in the public eye.

What is happening to Tony Stark in Iron Man 2 : The palladium core in the arc reactor that keeps Stark alive and powers the armor is slowly poisoning him, and he has failed to find a substitute. Stark's blood Toxicity is already at 19%.

What was Tony suffering from

Although Tony sees his Iron Man suits as a safe space, he unknowingly returns to the source of his PTSD and his addiction. This retreat into his suit serves to suggest that Tony uses the suit as a form of self-medication—he feels good in the suit—so he does not recognize that it is a part of the problem.

Is palladium poisoning real : Palladium poisoning Tony Stark

Palladium is a metal with low toxicity. It is poorly absorbed by human body when digested. […] High doses of palladium could be poisonous; tests on rodents suggest it may be carcinogenic, though no clear evidence indicates the element harms humans.

Tony Stark displayed several common signs of PTSD including nightmares involving the traumatic event and avoidance of places that reminded him of the event.

Tony is sick from food poisoning, and he has vivid fever dreams. In one he is having sex with Dr. Melfi in her office. In another, a dead fish on a slab speaks to him with Pussy's voice and says he is working for the government; that is why Tony passed him over for promotion.

Was Iron Man 2 a flop

The sequel grossed over $623.9 million at the worldwide box office, making it the seventh-highest-grossing film of 2010.Ivan Antonovich Vanko (Russian: Иван Антонович Ванко) was a Russian physicist and the son of the disgraced scientist Anton Vanko. When Vanko's father died penniless due to the actions of Howard Stark, Vanko swore to seek revenge by targeting Howard's son, Tony Stark.In Ironman 3 he undergoes surgery to remove the pieces of shrapnel embedded in his heart. In Iron man 2 he could have undergone same rather than creating new element.. It's also that he wasn't emotionally ready for that.

Despite his supervillain name, Whiplash was a combination of both the same villain from the comics and Iron Man's iron curtain opponent, Crimson Dynamo. He swore an oath of vengeance against Tony Stark and his company due to Howard Stark having discredited the work of Ivan's father Anton.

What mental illnesses does Tony Stark have : Abstract: This article investigates the manifestation of the character Tony Stark's post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and how he attempts to cope with his traumatic past throughout the Iron Man film trilogy and The Avengers ensemble movie.

Why does Tony have no heart : Overview. Tony Stark has a damaged heart from the plane crash that the Mandarin caused, and because of that, he has an implant made by Dr. Ho Yinsen that keeps it beating.

What disease did Tony Stark have

heavy metal poisoning

In Iron Man 2, Tony Stark, suffering from heavy metal poisoning from the arc reactor in his chest, misses a solution that could save him – or could at least stave off further poisoning – in a plot hole that is explored within the same film.

Palladium is regarded as of low toxicity, being poorly adsorbed by the body when ingested. It may cause skin, eye or respiratory tract irritation, may cause skin sensitisation. Liquid may cause burns to skin and eyes. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting, if conscious give water, milk…In Iron Man 3, Anthony Stark appears to meet the full criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder. He either does not know enough about PTSD or he is in denial, refusing to recognize his own problem, which is a common occurrence among some of those who suffer similarly in real life.

What did Tony Stark suffer from in Iron Man 3 : post-traumatic stress disorder

Thirteen years later, Stark is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and has frequent panic attacks due to his experiences during the alien invasion of New York. He has built dozens of new Iron Man suits to cope with his insomnia, creating friction with his girlfriend Pepper Potts.