What was Tony Stark's disease?
Despite the humor used in the movie when discussing his problems, Stark is a great example of a serious condition: Post-traumatic stress disorder.heavy metal poisoning

In Iron Man 2, Tony Stark, suffering from heavy metal poisoning from the arc reactor in his chest, misses a solution that could save him – or could at least stave off further poisoning – in a plot hole that is explored within the same film.Assassination of Tony Stark

That's lithium dioxide. It's gonna take the edge off." In an alternate reality, Nick Fury had Natasha Romanoff inject Tony Stark with lithium dioxide. However, Hank Pym had compromised the syringe, causing it to stay inside while Pym himself entered Stark's system and killed him.

What is the psychology of Iron Man : He has an exaggerated sense of self which is clearly present for most, if not all, of his life. Along with an exaggerated sense of self comes the tendency to overestimate his own abilities and accomplishments, as well as a preoccupation with being admired and a need to be the center of attention.

Does Tony Stark have PTSD

In Iron Man 3, Anthony Stark appears to meet the full criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder. He either does not know enough about PTSD or he is in denial, refusing to recognize his own problem, which is a common occurrence among some of those who suffer similarly in real life.

Does Tony Stark have OCD : Agent Carter fleshed this out in the final episode. Basically both Howard and Tony have OCD tendencies, most geniuses do. But Tony has a LOT of psychological issues at play.In Howard's case it was displayed with humor, that his gadgets were not stored right.

Agent Carter fleshed this out in the final episode. Basically both Howard and Tony have OCD tendencies, most geniuses do. But Tony has a LOT of psychological issues at play.In Howard's case it was displayed with humor, that his gadgets were not stored right.

Once she joined the Avengers, Natasha and Tony became friends, but she wasn't a major love interest for Iron Man. They had a brief romantic interlude when Iron Man helped her defeat a former student and partner who'd become Titanium Man.

Did Tony ever like Natasha

Way back in TALES OF SUSPENSE #52, Tony met and instantly fell for a Russian woman known initially as Madame Natasha. The pair dated for a brief time until he realized she was actually a spy for the Russian government code-named the Black Widow.Iron Man 3

As a result, when Tony uses his suits for the final time in Iron Man 3, he only uses them out of necessity and destroys them afterwards. This destruction of the suits symbolizes his recognition and removal of the source of his addiction and primary PTSD trigger.Agent Carter fleshed this out in the final episode. Basically both Howard and Tony have OCD tendencies, most geniuses do. But Tony has a LOT of psychological issues at play.In Howard's case it was displayed with humor, that his gadgets were not stored right.

Agent Carter fleshed this out in the final episode. Basically both Howard and Tony have OCD tendencies, most geniuses do. But Tony has a LOT of psychological issues at play.In Howard's case it was displayed with humor, that his gadgets were not stored right.

Is Tony Stark an addict : Unfortunately, this approach intentionally skips one essential comic book element of Tony Stark's arc: his alcohol addiction. Spanning nine issues, Iron Man's "Demon in a Bottle" depicts how after a series of misfortunes, Tony Stark uses alcohol consumption as a dangerous coping mechanism.

What’s Tony Stark’s IQ : What is Tony Stark's IQ Is it possible to measure it Tony Stark's IQ is estimated at 270 which means that he is a super genius. Only 0.1% of the population comes close to that score.

Who does Hulk love

Betty Ross

Elizabeth Talbot Ross-BannerRed She-Hulk. Betty Ross is the greatest love of Bruce Banner's life, but also the daughter of his greatest enemy, General "Thunderbolt" Ross.

Pepper Potts

Pepper Potts is a supporting character and love interest of the superhero Tony Stark / Iron Man. The character has also been known as Hera and Rescue at various points in her history.Though Pepper Potts might be the most well-known of Tony's love interests, she and her former boss have actually had more limited romantic interactions than you might think. In fact, Pepper wound up marrying Happy Hogan after a brief love triangle with Stark as the third point.

Does Pepper love Tony : Pepper Potts is a supporting character and love interest of the superhero Tony Stark / Iron Man. The character has also been known as Hera and Rescue at various points in her history.