What was Germany's goal in ww1?
The German government believed that the onset of war and its support of Austria-Hungary was a way to secure its place as a leading power, which was supported by public nationalism and further united it behind the monarchy.Germany lacked the necessary raw materials to make cordite (the vital propellant for bullets and shells) and explosives. Austria-Hungary was hampered by a lack of rail transport and rail infrastructure. Britain had a manpower shortage and a paucity of acetone, the key component for making cordite.Without WWI the WWII would not have happened. The Russian Tsar Empire, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, Empire Japan and the Kaiser Empire Germany would all have remained. The two superpowers Soviet Union and USA would never had developed.

What was the origin of the World War 1 : On 28 June 1914, a Bosnian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie. This event is described as the catalyst for World War I, but it wasn't the sole cause of the war.

Did Germany want war in ww1

Fischer and most Fischer followers argued that Germany instigated the 1914 July crisis in order to ignite a local Balkan war that would improve Germany's power position in Europe. German leaders did not want a general European war, but they deliberately risked such a war, and lost control of events.

Who did Germany want to fight in ww1 : According to an aggressive military strategy known as the Schlieffen Plan (named for its mastermind, German Field Marshal Alfred von Schlieffen), Germany began fighting World War I on two fronts, invading France through neutral Belgium in the west and confronting Russia in the east.

The largest share of responsibility lies with the German government. Germany's rulers made possible a Balkan war by urging Austria-Hungary to invade Serbia, well understanding that such a conflict might escalate. Without German backing it is unlikely that Austria-Hungary would have acted so drastically.

The German army had fought its way into a good defensive position inside France and had permanently incapacitated 230,000 more French and British troops than it had lost itself. Despite this, communications problems and questionable command decisions cost Germany the chance of obtaining an early victory.

Did anyone try to stop ww1

Groups opposed to the war included the Russian Bolsheviks, the Socialist Party of America, the Italian Socialist Party, and the socialist faction led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg in Germany (later to become the Communist Party of Germany).The panel broadly concluded that such an event is highly improbable, though not necessarily impossible.1 July 1916

The 1916 Somme offensive was one of the largest and bloodiest battles of the First World War (1914-18). The opening day of the attack, 1 July 1916, saw the British Army sustain 57,000 casualties, the bloodiest day in its history.

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo (the capital of the Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia-Herzegovina) on 28 June 1914 eventually led to the outbreak of the First World War.

Why did Germany want war : A belief was fostered that the way of escape for Germany would be through extending its territory and increasing its wealth at the expense of those other countries—if need be, by war.

Who started WW1 and why : The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914 set off a chain of events that led to war in early August 1914. The assassination was traced to a Serbian extremist group that wanted to increase Serbian power in the Balkans by breaking up the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Why did Germany accept blame for ww1

The Treaty of Versailles. Article 231, otherwise known as the 'War Guilt Clause' forced Germany to accept responsibility for the First World War. Article 231, otherwise known as the 'War Guilt Clause' forced Germany to accept responsibility for the First World War.

Views have evolved a lot, but there is no consensus. During 1919 to 45 most German historians blamed Russia, or Britain, or France, while deeming Germany largely innocent. Historians outside Germany generally viewed the war as an accident, for which all the European powers deserved blame.Once the French had been crushed, Germany could turn all of its forces against the Russian army. But there was a problem. France had invested in huge fortifications across its shared border with Germany. Defeating them before a Russian mobilisation would be costly, if not impossible.

Who actually won World War One : The First World War saw the Entente Powers, led by France, Russia, the British Empire, and later Italy (from 1915) and the United States (from 1917), defeat the Central Powers, led by the German, Austro-Hungarian, Bulgarian and Ottoman Empires. Russia withdrew from the war after the revolution in 1917.