What superhero doesn't age?
Wonder Man has been a valued member of the Avengers for years, and is one of their major powerhouses. While Simon Williams was originally a human that was experimented on, over time, he transformed into ionic energy. This power makes Simon one of the most powerful heroes on Earth and prevents him from aging.Able to regenerate from any and all injuries, including death, Craig Hollis is unable to die and therefore dubs himself Mister Immortal, vowing to fight crime.Here are the ten most powerful heroes of the Marvel Universe who are also immortal.

  1. 1 Bruce Banner.
  2. 2 Wolverine.
  3. 3 Thor.
  4. 4 The Sentry.
  5. 5 Jean Grey.
  6. 6 The Thing.
  7. 7 Nightcrawler.
  8. 8 Franklin Richards (Earth-12665)

What superhero lives the longest : Oldest Superheroes / Supervillains

  • Apocalypse. 5,000 years old. Immortal.
  • Odin. 4,000 years old. Extended Longevity.
  • Black Adam. 3,200 years old. Immortal.
  • Thor. 2,000 years old. Extended Longevity.
  • Thanos. 1,000 years old. Immortal.
  • Ra's al Ghul. 600 years old. Extended Longevity.
  • Wolverine. 200 years old. Immortal.
  • Captain America.

Can Hulk age

Yes, he ages like any normal human. The Hulk, however, has been shown in various stories to age at a slower rate. In at least one timeline Bruce Banner eventually dies of old age, leaving the Hulk to go on alone.

Who is immortal in DC : Over the years, DC Comics has introduced many immortal characters. Some are humans like Vandal Savage, Rose Forrest, or Hob Gadling. Some are members of pantheons of beings worshiped as gods at some point in history.

Mr. Immortal's body does not age. While most mutants' powers manifest at adolescence, Mr. Immortal's ability did not become apparent until he first attempted suicide.

While more potent as he didn't rely on mystical apples provided by Iðunn to maintain his prime condition, his immortality nonetheless extends only to immense durability and decelerated ageing since he can be killed by beings with sufficient power, most notably his destined bane Heimdallr.

Which Avenger never dies

Captain Marvel, despite being nearly invincible, has never died in the comics and continues to fight off even the most powerful villains.Mister Immortal (Marvel)

A member of the Great Lakes Avengers, Mister Immortal is actually TOTALLY pervious* to pain and injury.Captain Marvel, despite being nearly invincible, has never died in the comics and continues to fight off even the most powerful villains. America Chavez's ability to traverse dimensions makes it difficult to kill her, despite her close ties to other mortal combat-prone Marvel heroes.

around 1500 years old

Thor Odinson himself said he is around 1500 years old at the time of the events of Infinity War (2018), and MCU fandom wiki mentions Loki's year of birth as 965 AD, hence he would be 1055 years old at the time of his death in 2018. So, Thor is around 445 years older than Loki.

Does Deadpool age : Deadpool is effectively immortal, although he has died several times. He is still alive 800 years in the future when the new X-Force encounters him.

How old is Loki : 1055 years old

Thor Odinson himself said he is around 1500 years old at the time of the events of Infinity War (2018), and MCU fandom wiki mentions Loki's year of birth as 965 AD, hence he would be 1055 years old at the time of his death in 2018.

Is Wonder Woman immortal

Long past the Age of Heroes, few of Diana Prince's friends survive, and most of her sisters have passed as well. As an immortal goddess, this is her lot. But then, a threat appears that even the mighty Darkseid can't handle-and it's up to Wonder Woman to take on the battle!

The Presence is the true god of DC, the one who created everything.Kang also seems to be functionally immortal. Because he's so fond of abusing the timeline for his own selfish ends, there are countless variations of Nathaniel Richards in existence. No matter how many times Kang is defeated, there's always another incarnation of the Conqueror ready to continue his crusade.

Is Deadpool immortal : Deadpool is effectively immortal, although he has died several times. He is still alive 800 years in the future when the new X-Force encounters him. In addition, Thanos once declared that Deadpool should "consider yourself cursed … with life!" out of jealousy over Deadpool's status as Death's love interest.