What makes Ukraine so valuable to Russia?
Ukraine has extremely rich and complementary mineral resources in high concentrations and close proximity to each other. Rich iron ore reserves located in the vicinity of Kryvyy Rih, Kremenchuk, Bilozerka, Mariupol, and Kerch form the basis of Ukraine's large iron-and-steel industry.Ukraine is the world's largest producer of sunflower seeds, and across every part of Ukraine, you'll see stunning fields of these yellow blooms – so many that they'd cover the entire of Slovenia if you uprooted them!If you have never heard that Ukrainians also were behind WhatsApp, the first passenger aircraft, PayPal, gas lamp, nuclear submarines, the first electric tram… There is much to discover! Learn about 50 inventions by Ukrainians, or see the video below to know more.

Does Ukraine rely on Russia : Overall, between one third and one half of Ukraine's trade was with the Russian Federation. Dependence was particularly strong in energy.

Is Ukraine rich in oil

Ukraine has tremendous natural resources for meeting domestic oil and gas production needs, with estimates of approximately 900 billion cubic meters of proven reserves of natural gas.

Why Ukraine is famous in the world : Ukraine is home to 7 World Heritage Sites

UNESCO designates some of the most important parts of the world, and Ukraine is lucky enough to be home to seven: from iconic churches like St. Sophia Cathedral in the capital city of Kyiv, to the natural landscapes and deserts.

What are Russia's broad interests in Ukraine Russia has deep cultural, economic, and political bonds with Ukraine, and in many ways Ukraine is central to Russia's identity and vision for itself in the world. Family ties. Russia and Ukraine have strong familial bonds that go back centuries.

During the Russian industrial revolution in the late 19th century, Kyiv became an important trade and transportation center of the Russian Empire, specializing in sugar and grain export by railroad and on the Dnieper river.

What do we rely on Ukraine for

Ukraine is one of the world's top agricultural producers and exporters and plays a critical role in supplying oilseeds and grains to the global market. More than 55 percent of Ukraine's land area is arable land.NATO stands in unwavering solidarity with the government and people of Ukraine in the heroic defence of their nation, their land and our shared values. The Alliance fully supports Ukraine's inherent right to self-defence as enshrined in Article 51 of the UN Charter.The Russian economy is shrinking

It is estimated that in 2022, Russia's gross domestic product (GDP) dropped by 2.1%. Russia's economy may continue to shrink in 2023. Its GDP is forecast to decline by 2.5% in the worst-case scenario (OECD) or by 0.2% according to the World Bank.

Three Ukrainian regions contain hydrocarbons resources: the Dnipro-Donetsk basin, the Carpathian region in western Ukraine, and the Black Sea and Crimea region in the south. The Dnipro-Donetsk basin is a major oil and gas producing region accounting for 90 percent of all current Ukrainian production.

What is the main source of income in Ukraine : Agriculture and fishing. Partly because of rich soils and a favourable climate, Ukraine's crop production is highly developed. Its output of grain and potatoes is among the highest in Europe, and it is among the world's largest producers of sugar beets and sunflower oil.

What does Ukraine make for the world : Before Russia's invasion in February 2022, Ukraine was the world's seventh largest exporter of wheat, fourth largest exporter of barley, and the biggest exporter of sunflower seeds (used for sunflower oil and feed).

Why is Kyiv so important to Russia

During the Russian industrial revolution in the late 19th century, Kyiv became an important trade and transportation centre of the Russian Empire, specialising in sugar and grain export by railway and on the Dnieper river. By 1900, the city had also become a significant industrial centre, with a population of 250,000.

Poor Russian logistics and tactical decisions helped the defenders to thwart efforts at encirclement, and, after a month of protracted fighting, Ukrainian forces began counterattacking.The founder of moscow was Yuri Dolgoruky, the 6th son of Kyivan Prince Vladimir Monomakh. The city became the capital only in 1263. It is also interesting that the first attempts to occupy the rest of the territory of our state began at the end of that century.

Is Slovakia in NATO : Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia were invited to begin accession talks at the Alliance's Prague Summit in 2002. On 29 March 2004, they officially became members of the Alliance, making this the largest wave of enlargement in NATO history.