What literary device is used in The Raven?
Study the field of American literature, which is the body of written works produced in the United States, including novels, short stories, drama, poetry, biographies/autobiographies, works of history, essays, and literary criticism.European literature is a broad term covering the literary works produced in Europe, spanning many centuries, languages, and genres. It includes some of the world's oldest literary traditions, from the epic poetry of ancient Greece and Rome to the modernist and postmodernist movements of the 20th century.Some of the characteristics of American literature include an emphasis on the importance of individuality, providing a strongly American sense of place, and embracing a diverse array of authors and styles.

What are the various literary periods of American literature : The Colonial and Early National period (17th century to 1830) The Romantic period (1830 to 1870) Realism and Naturalism (1870 to 1910) The Modernist period (1910 to 1945)

What are 3 main characteristics of American literature

The common tendency of American literature is to be focused on politics, economics, and social status. Satire, sarcasm, and cynicism can be also often find their way into the works of American authors.

How is American literature different from British literature : The American writers are more focused on romance, human values, ideals, manners, and the differences of class in society [17]. The American writers are mostly cool headed and write the things which come through their mind while the British writing style focuses mainly on the through and words that come from the heart.

Western literature, also known as European literature, is the literature written in the context of Western culture in the languages of Europe, and is shaped by the periods in which they were conceived, with each period containing prominent western authors, poets, and pieces of literature.

Works of literature from ancient Greece and ancient Rome are considered classical. Below are lists of some representative classical literary works from each of these two ancient civilizations.

What are the two 2 main types of literature

There are two major schools of literature, oral and written' Oral literature includes ballads, folklore, jokes, and fables that are passed down by word of mouth. Written literature includes poetry and novels, with subsections for fiction, prose, myth, short story and novel.Independence, individualism, freedom, nationalism, and slavery were the prominent themes of this era. American writers like Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry also used similes and metaphors in their writings to show the American audience that independence from Great Britain was necessary.The new literary movement—typically called contemporary fiction—includes work from the end of the twentieth century and beyond. Read on to learn more about contemporary fiction.

There are four major literary movements applicable to the study of modern short fiction: Romanticism , Realism , Naturalism , and Modernism .

How is British literature different from American literature : Genres & Topics. English writers mostly emphasize their culture and manners, while American writers discuss American history and social issues. As well as early writings in the UK, early American works involve topics related to religion and politics.

What are the 5 characteristics of American literature : Here are 5 Main Characteristics of American Literature. Cultural Diversity, Individualism and the American Dream, Regionalism, Social Criticism and Realism, and Historical Context.

What are the elements of American literature

The common styles in American literature are politics, economics, and social status. However, American writers' works also contain elements of parody, sarcasm, and pessimism. The genre of American literature includes topics related to religion and politics in the early literature.

The four main literary genres are poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and drama. Each main genre also contains sub-genres. For example, sub-genres of nonfiction are biographies and autobiographies.Western literature is typically subdivided into the classic three forms of Ancient Greece, poetry, drama, and prose. Poetry may then be subdivided into the genres of lyric, epic, and dramatic. The lyric includes all the shorter forms of poetry e.g., song, ode, ballad, elegy, sonnet.

What is the classical literary theory of literature : Classical Literary Theories

Greek philosopher Plato's literary theory can be found in his ten-volume Republic, in which he discusses the concept of mimesis and argues that art, and therefore literature, can only imitate the physical world, and the physical world itself is but an imitation of the world of ideas.