What is the traditional Czech Christmas custom associated with an apple?
Cutting the apple

This is a very simple tradition, which can be a lot of fun though. All you need is an apple and a knife. You cut the apple in half. If you see that the seeds inside the apple are forming a star, you will have good luck in the following year.Apples are a go-to Christmas gift in China

Why apples The Chinese word for apple, ping guo, sounds like the one for Christmas Eve, Ping An Ye, which means “peaceful night.” Christmas apples have been dubbed “peace apples,” or ping ping guo, doubling the pun.At Christmas, Czechs traditionally serve carp for dinner and keep some of its scales in their wallets for good financial luck, girls throw their shoes, and many other unusual customs are followed. Everything has its meaning in the Advent period.

What is Czech Christmas food : A holiday dinner typically includes appetizers of obložené chlebíčky (open-faced sandwiches with various toppings), or a fish soup, and side dishes of bramborový salát (potato salad) and sauteed root vegetables. Sometimes vánočka, a semi-sweet bread similar to challah, is served, along with sugar cookies for dessert.

What does the apple represent on Christmas tree

In such plays, a tree decorated with apples (representing fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and thus to the original sin that Christ took away) and round white wafers (to represent the Eucharist and redemption) was used as a setting for the play.

Why do we eat apples at Christmas : But why apples According to The World of Chinese, the tradition is rooted in homophones. In Mandarin, 'Christmas Eve' translates to Ping'anye ( … It is said that eating a peace apple on Christmas eve will bless you with a safe and peaceful year ahead.

Chinese apples symbolise peace and harmony, so are also called 'Fruits of Peace'. They often feature designs that send love and care, health or Santa wishing you Merry Christmas. Giving apples at Silent Night is a good integration of Chinese and Western cultures – conveying festive blessings.


A new trend in China on Christmas Eve is to give apples to your friends. Apple in Chinese is 苹果 (píngguǒ) and Christmas Eve in Chinese is often called 平安夜 (Píng'ān yè, literally meaning safe night).

What are some Czech traditions

Culture and Tradition in Czech republic

  • Falconry, the ancient art of hunting with the help of birds of prey.
  • The Slovácko Verbuňk recruit dances.
  • The Ride of the Kings in Vlčnov.
  • The Shrovetide door-to-door processions and the masks in the villages of the Hlinecko area.

The Czech Republic has cultural roots in the Christian world. And to Christians, Easter is the most important holiday of the year, as they commemorate the death and resurrection of the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ. Easter Monday, however, is a day of folk customs that differ in various parts of the country.See recipe here.

  • Potato Salad (Bramborový salát) Traditional Czech Christmas potato salad.
  • Pork Schnitzel (Řízek) Chicken schnitzel.
  • Christmas Cookies (Vánoční cukroví) Beehives, vanilla crescents, and other typical Czech Christmas cookies.
  • Christmas Bread (Vánočka)
  • Staročeský Kuba (Old Czech “Kuba”)

Delicious Czech main dishes

  • “Svíčková” – Czech Republic's national treasure. Certainly the most famous Czech main dish and also the most untranslatable food.
  • Sauerkraut and dumplings – either with pork or duck.
  • Steak Tartare – scary but so good.
  • Fruit dumplings.

What is the symbolism of an apple : In various mythologies, apples are used as a symbol of love, beauty, and wisdom.

Are apples associated with Christmas : And there are two ways apples are associated with Christmas. 'The tradition of decorating a tree around Christmas time goes back to pagan times. At that time, a tree was decorated with paper, candles, fruit and nuts. The most common fruit used was the apple.

What do apples have to do with Christmas

A fir tree decorated with red apples stood for the “Tree of Paradise”, while each fruit represented one of Adam and Eve's sins. Over the course of the 15th century, the faithful began taking these fir trees inside their houses on the 24th of December, which is the feast day of Adam and Eve.

The unnamed fruit of Eden thus became an apple under the influence of the story of the golden apples in the Garden of Hesperides. As a result, the apple became a symbol for knowledge, immortality, temptation, the fall of man and sin.Other customs:

It's also customary to give up your seat on the metro, etc. to an older person or a small child. Czech Republic culture is definitely of the Respect Your Elders type. • If you visit someone's home or even an office of some kind, you are generally expected to take off your shoes.

What traditions do Czech Republic have : According to tradition, the Czechs must cut the branch of a cherry tree which is 10 or more years old and put it in a vase in the house of a single woman. It is said that if the branch blooms before Christmas Eve, it will mean that the woman will marry in the following year.