What is the relationship between Louis and Armand?
Anne was writing everything for Lestat cause he was her favorite character and he was the center of every storyline, but the show is its own thing and Louis is a lead character in his own right, so it's likely that Armand won't be a rejected lover who pursued Lestat's fledglings, but he genuinely fell in love with …While Louis and Lestat are often at odds with one another, they eventually form an uneasy truce, with Lestat coming to regard Louis as a kind of soulmate, albeit one who resists his "teachings" on killing and living life as a vampire.Unlike the book, Louis and Armand do not get together, with Louis parting ways with him after the fall of the Parisian coven. Louis is unable to accept Armand's way of life, which meant forgetting his tragedies like they never existed, and also knows he had allowed Claudia to die.

Why does Armand want to be with Louis : Originally Answered: Why did Armand and LeStat want Louis so badly as a companion I believe Louis had that “human” thing they had lost so much time ago. They loved him for his ingenuity, his lack of brutality. He was more human than any human could ever get to be, and that drove them insane for him.

Who is stronger Lestat and Armand

Roughly two hundred years later, the cult tries to capture Lestat, a vampire turned by Magnus—another old target of the coven—and considers destroying him. Still, Lestat is stronger than Armand and declares them ridiculous and unfit for the times in which they live.

Does Louis forgive Lestat : They spend one scene in a movie theater watching FW Murnau's "Sunrise." I'm sure this was a subtle tribute to Murnau's orginal "Dracula," as well. They split up, and Louis discovers Lestat in New Orleans, pretty much the same way. But then Louis completely forgives Lestat, too!

Roughly two hundred years later, the cult tries to capture Lestat, a vampire turned by Magnus—another old target of the coven—and considers destroying him. Still, Lestat is stronger than Armand and declares them ridiculous and unfit for the times in which they live.

We also saw Louis feed on him directly, suggesting he was a human blood bank for him.

Who does Armand fall in love with


Armand is a strict and cruel master and manager of his plantation. He falls desperately in love with Désirée at first sight and woos her with extravagant gifts, including fine clothes.They stay together until around the 1920s, then part because Louis has never fully recovered from the loss of Claudia and knows that Armand is at least partly responsible for her death. After the incidents in Interview with the Vampire, Daniel Molloy tries to find Lestat but is instead found by Armand.Armand on surface value appears to be a polite, noble and decent person and much nicer than most other vampires however this is quickly shedded when it's revealed that in actuality Armand is an immature, possessive, perverted, manipulative and two-faced opportunist who merely puts on a nice façade to get what he wants.

Rowan Mayfair

Though Lestat suffers losses from this adventure, he falls somewhat in love with Quinn, and the two stay close after their adventure together reaches its conclusion. In Blood Canticle, Lestat falls in love with a witch of the Mayfair clan named Rowan Mayfair, who shares the same feelings towards him.

Is Lestat or Armand more powerful : Roughly two hundred years later, the cult tries to capture Lestat, a vampire turned by Magnus—another old target of the coven—and considers destroying him. Still, Lestat is stronger than Armand and declares them ridiculous and unfit for the times in which they live.

Do Armand and Daniel get together : Armand becomes fascinated with Daniel and pursues him around the world for approximately four years before they begin a relationship as lovers for another eight years.

Is Armand the bad guy

Count Armand is the main antagonist of the 2005 film The Legend of Zorro.

Soon Lestat arrives seeking help from Armand which he refuses to give and forces the weakened Lestat to testify that it was Claudia who attacked him and tried to kill him. This testimony gives the vampires reason enough to kill Claudia as killing another vampire is forbidden.The Dark Gift is a term for the vampiric power. When a vampire maker bestows the power to become immortal that is transmitted through the Blood on a fledgling, that maker is offering the Dark Gift. According to the rules of Santino's coven, the Dark Gift was to be given only to beautiful mortals, as an insult to God.

How old is Armand when he turned : In the novel, Armand became a vampire in Renaissance Italy at age 17. Clearly, Armand was a full-grown adult upon his siring here. (This was like the film version too.) Armand fell for Louis and tried to lure him away from his obligations to his undead daughter Claudia.