What is the correct order to clean a house?
Are You Cleaning Your Home in the Right Order

  1. Start with Cleaning the Bathroom First.
  2. Up Next is Dusting and Organizing.
  3. Move on to Mopping and Vacuuming.
  4. Cleaning the Kitchen Should Be Your Final Stop.
  5. If You Don't Have the Time for Cleaning, Merry Maids® is Here!

Bathrooms and kitchens are known as 'wet areas'. These often take the most time to clean. That's why they should be first in the order you clean your house.How to Clean a House: Step By Step House Cleaning Checklist

  1. Sort the Clutter.
  2. Dusting.
  3. Vacuuming.
  4. Sweep and Mop all the Floors Bar the Kitchen.
  5. Cleaning the Kitchen.
  6. Cleaning the Bathrooms.
  7. Cleaning the bedrooms.
  8. Cleaning the Windows.

What is the correct order to clean a room : A Step by Step Guide to Deep Cleaning a Bedroom

  1. Take Out the Trash. Before you begin, make sure to remove all the trash from the room.
  2. Dust Everything.
  3. Clean the Carpet.
  4. Declutter Your Space.
  5. Clean the Window.
  6. Sweep or Vacuum.
  7. Wash Your Sheets and Pillowcases.
  8. Wash Curtains and Drapes.

What is the correct sequence for cleaning

Cleaning needs to be carried out in two stages. First use a cleaning product to remove visible dirt from surfaces and equipment, and rinse. Then disinfect them using the correct dilution and contact time for the disinfectant, after rinse with fresh clean water if required.

What is a good house cleaning schedule : “For example, on Monday clean the kitchen, Tuesday pick a few bedrooms, Wednesday clean the living room, Thursday clean a bathroom and Friday clean a room that you haven't covered yet to break it up,” says Peterson. “This will allow you to make a schedule to make the tasks seem less overwhelming.”

7 Steps to Effective Cleaning & Sanitizing

  • Scrape.
  • Rinse (first time)
  • Apply detergent.
  • Rinse (again)
  • Sanitize.
  • Rinse (last time)
  • Dry.

How to Prioritize Cleaning Going into the New Year

  1. Create a Cleaning Schedule. Make a daily cleaning schedule that prioritizes tasks based on urgency and importance.
  2. Tackle High-Traffic Areas First.
  3. Declutter Regularly.
  4. Deep Clean Seasonally.
  5. Prioritize Health.
  6. Invest in Quality Cleaning Tools.
  7. Daily Tidying Up.
  8. Assign Tasks.

How to clean a house checklist

Weekly Cleaning Checklist

  1. Change and launder bath mats, towels, and washcloths.
  2. Clean toilets, bathtubs, showers, and sinks.
  3. Dust surfaces, including furniture, objects, and light fixtures.
  4. Empty trash bins and wipe the insides and outsides.
  5. Vacuum and mop floors.
  6. Vacuum upholstery.
  7. Wipe mirrors.

In this blog post, we'll delve into what these steps are and why they are crucial.

  1. Step 1: Preparation. Before you dive into the actual cleaning process, it's crucial to prepare yourself mentally and physically.
  2. Step 2: Dusting.
  3. Step 3: Cleaning.
  4. Step 4: Sanitizing.
  5. Step 5: Final Touches.

House Cleaning Steps

  1. Do Your Laundry. Start with picking up the dirty laundry off the floor.
  2. Make Your Bed.
  3. Vacuum the Floors.
  4. Mop the Floors.
  5. Grab Cleaning Supplies.
  6. Start with the Biggest Items.
  7. Put Away Your Stuff Where They Belong.
  8. Quickly Dust the Furniture.

Uncovering the Golden Rules of Cleaning: Easy Tips for a Spotless Home!

  • Rule #1: Clean Up Messes as Soon as Possible.
  • Rule #2: Have the Right Cleaning Supplies On Hand.
  • Rule #3: Clean from Top To Bottom.
  • Rule #4: Cleaning Routine is Key.
  • Rule #5: Call a professional cleaner when need it.

What should I clean first in my bedroom : How to Thoroughly Clean Your Bedroom: Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Pick up the trash and declutter.
  2. Remove cobwebs from the ceilings.
  3. Spray and clean the surfaces.
  4. Remove the bedroom covers.
  5. Wash the bedding.
  6. Sanitize your mattress.
  7. Vacuum the ceiling and sweep the floors.
  8. Disinfect windows and mirrors.

How do I clean my house perfectly : 13 Efficient Housecleaning Tips

  1. Create a housecleaning plan.
  2. Declutter and organize.
  3. Gather all your cleaning supplies.
  4. Start cleaning from the top.
  5. Clean up stray pet hair.
  6. Use the vacuum cleaner to its fullest potential.
  7. Wipe mirrors and glass.
  8. Disinfect countertops and surface areas.

What is the 20 10 rule cleaning

What is the 20/10 Invented by Rachel Hoffman, the 20/10 approach to cleaning is to work hard for 20 minutes and then take a 10-minute break. It's that simple. And while you may not think 20 minutes is a long time, you'd be surprised at how much you can accomplish.

7 Steps to Effective Cleaning & Sanitizing

  • Scrape.
  • Rinse (first time)
  • Apply detergent.
  • Rinse (again)
  • Sanitize.
  • Rinse (last time)
  • Dry.

Many professional cleaners suggest vacuuming first before mopping. Especially if your interior floor is hard surfaces, vacuuming will make it easier for you to sweep and mop later. Some would instead follow the process of dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming first before cleaning.

What is the golden rule for cleaning : The golden rule of housekeeping is simple: clean as you go. It may sound obvious, but this rule can make a big difference in how clean and organized your home is. Cleaning as you go means cleaning up messes and spills as soon as they happen, rather than letting them sit and become harder to clean later.