What is the biggest problem in Malawi?
What are some of the challenges facing Malawi Malawi has struggled to sustain growth and to reduce poverty and food insecurity for decades, despite large inflows of official development assistance. The past three years have been particularly difficult.Political Context

Malawi has enjoyed sustained peace and stable governments since independence in 1964. One-party rule ended in 1993. Since then, multi-party presidential and parliamentary elections have been held every five years.Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment by the government; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest or detention; arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy; serious restrictions on freedom of expression and …

Is Malawi good or bad : Malawi is rich in democracy, peace, and spirit. But economically, Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world.

What is the political risk in Malawi

Political risk

Malawi has remained politically stable and free of both internal and external conflict since its independence in 1964.

How politically stable is Malawi : Malawi is seen as a peaceful country that is largely stable politically. However, the challenges for this landlocked country in south-east Africa are huge. They include a high rate of poverty, widespread malnutrition, low levels of education, poor health services and high population growth.

Leading causes of death

Malaria 37.6
Diarrhoeal diseases 36.7
Stroke 34.8
Ischaemic heart disease 31.7

We advise: Exercise a high degree of caution in Malawi due to the threat of violent crime.

Is Malawi good to live

This is a generally peaceful and politically stable country. For those living in Malawi as an expat, it's power cuts and the absence of familiar goods and services that may pose the greatest challenge. Equally, Malawi's leisurely, laid-back pace can be a source of frustration for anyone used to life in the fast lane.Safety and security

  • Terrorism in Malawi. Terrorist attacks in Malawi cannot be ruled out.
  • Protecting yourself and your belongings.
  • Drink and food spiking.
  • Burglary and violent assault.
  • Carjacking and criminal kidnapping.
  • Climbing Mulanje Mountain.
  • Personal ID.
  • Clothing sensitivities.


Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, ranked 174 of 189 countries on the Human Development Index.

Malawi is a multiparty democracy. Constitutional power is shared between the president and the 193 National Assembly members.

Why is Malawi starving : ADMARC's inability to provide fertilizer and seeds to small farmers also contributed to the food crisis in 1992. Since then, periodic droughts and floods have continued to affect Malawi.

What is the main disease in Malawi : There is a high degree of risk for major infectious diseases, including bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, typhoid fever, malaria, plague, schistosomiasis and rabies.

Is Malawi a safe place to visit

Exercise increased caution in Malawi due to crime and civil unrest. Country Summary: Violent Crime such as theft, burglary, armed robbery, assault, and carjacking is common.

Exercise a high degree of caution

in Malawi. Exercise a high degree of caution in Malawi due to the threat of violent crime.Malawi is a very poor country and one of the least developed in the world, so you should be prepared for a lower standard of infrastructure and amenities. The main language of Malawi is Chichewa, although English is also widely spoken and the local Malawians are warm, friendly and welcoming.

Is there conflict in Malawi : IDMC based its estimates on media monitoring of episodes of violence that occurred in October and November 2019 in Nkhata Bay, in the Northern Region of the country. These were cases of interpersonal violence that escalated to the point that people were murdered, and houses set on fire by mobs.