What is the Article 7 of NATO?
Article 10

The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other European State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area to accede to this Treaty.Article 6. Article 6 states that Article 5 covers only member states' territories in Europe, North America, Turkey, and islands in the Atlantic north of the Tropic of Cancer.Which countries are Nato members Nato has 32 members across Europe and North America, including the UK, US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Turkey.

What is article 5 NATO : Article 5 provides that if a NATO Ally is the victim of an armed attack, each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the Ally attacked. Article 5.

What is Article 9 of NATO

Article 9 of the North Atlantic Treaty serves to frame the views and interest of NATO in line with that of the United Nations Charter under Article 51. This Article provides legal commentary on the institutional frameworks that have been put in place to further the goals of the North Atlantic Treaty.

What is Article 13 of NATO : Article 13

After the Treaty has been in force for twenty years, any Party may cease to be a Party one year after its notice of denunciation has been given to the Government of the United States of America, which will inform the Governments of the other Parties of the deposit of each notice of denunciation.

Under Article 4 of NATO's founding treaty, members can bring any issue of concern, especially related to the security of a member country, to the table for discussion within the North Atlantic Council. Since the Alliance's creation in 1949, Article 4 has been invoked seven times.

Slovakia joined NATO in 2004, the same year it joined the European Union.

Why isn’t Israel in NATO

Israel, being located in the Levant, is outside the geographical scope of the alliance. While it has had close security cooperation with the US and other Western countries, Israel has not sought formal membership in defense alliances like NATO. Turkey, a neighbor of Israel, on the other hand, joined NATO in 1952.The article states: “The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened.” Any member country can formally invoke Article 4 of the North Atlantic Treaty.Article 51

Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.

Article XIV

A force, a civilian component and the members thereof, as well as their dependents, shall remain subject to the foreign exchange regulations of the sending State and shall also be subject to the regulations of the receiving State.

Is Slovakia friends with Russia : Slovakia also has an embassy in Moscow. Unlike Slovakia's neighbour and close ally Czech Republic, which has a negative view of Russia due to past events, Slovakia tends to have better relations with Russia.

Why was Slovak PM attacked : Slovakia's interior minister said there was a "clear political motivation" behind the attack, while local TV said Mr Fico was hit in the stomach. The 59-year-old was taken to a local hospital and then flown to a larger facility in Banska Bystrica.

Could Israel join the EU

Israel is however not included among the nine countries that are part of the EU agenda for future enlargement of the European Union.

Israel has been designated as a U.S. Major Non-NATO Ally under U.S. law. This status provides foreign partners with certain benefits in the areas of defense trade and security cooperation and is a powerful symbol of their close relationship with the United States.In 1969, Czechoslovakia became a federation of the Czech Socialist Republic and the Slovak Socialist Republic in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. It became a puppet state of the Soviet Union, but it was never part of the Soviet Union and remained independent to a certain degree.

Is Slovakia a communist country : they split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia on January 1, 1993. Neither is communist. Slovakia has never been communist country. Slovakia as part of ex-Czechoslovakia has Constitution without leadership of Communist party which was cancelled in 1989.