What is a master samurai?
Miyamoto Musashi

Miyamoto Musashi (宮本 武蔵, c. 1584 – 13 June 1645), also known as Shinmen Takezō, Miyamoto Bennosuke or, by his Buddhist name, Niten Dōraku, was a Japanese swordsman, philosopher, strategist, writer and rōnin, who became renowned through stories of his unique double-bladed swordsmanship and undefeated record in his 62 …There were three principal ranks:

  • gokenin (housemen), the lowest and vassals of a feudal lord.
  • goshi (rustic warrior), they could farm their land but could not have the two swords of the full samurai rank.
  • hatamoto (bannermen), the highest rank. Only these warriors were expected to die to protect their lord's interests.

Ronin and samurai were both members of the Japanese warrior class. The primary difference between them is that ronin were masterless samurai while samurai had a daimyo master.

What is the difference between a samurai and a ronin : A samurai becomes a rōnin upon the death of his master, or after the loss of his master's favor or legal privilege. In modern Japanese, the term is usually used to describe a salaryman who is unemployed or a secondary school graduate who has not yet been admitted to university.

What is the highest rank in samurai

What is the highest rank of a samurai – Quora. Ideally the Shogun but for much of the Sengoku period, the Ashikaga shogunate was little more than a figurehead so that's not always the case. A Shogun who has the power to exert his authority was traditionally the political and military ruler of Japan though.

What is the highest class of samurai : A hatamoto (旗本, "Guardian of the banner") was a high ranking samurai in the direct service of the Tokugawa shogunate of feudal Japan. While all three of the shogunates in Japanese history had official retainers, in the two preceding ones, they were referred to as gokenin.

the Shogun

What is the highest rank of a samurai – Quora. Ideally the Shogun but for much of the Sengoku period, the Ashikaga shogunate was little more than a figurehead so that's not always the case. A Shogun who has the power to exert his authority was traditionally the political and military ruler of Japan though.

While a shogun may have been a samurai at one point, a shogun was at the top of Japan's military while the samurai were a caste of elite soldiers. In this way, shoguns have much more power than samurai.

What is a samurai without a master called

A ronin was a samurai warrior in feudal Japan without a master or lord — known as a daimyo. A samurai could become a ronin in several different ways: his master might die or fall from power or the samurai might lose his master's favor or patronage and be cast off.Strictly speaking, a shogun is not a samurai. While a shogun may have been a samurai at one point, a shogun was at the top of Japan's military while the samurai were a caste of elite soldiers. In this way, shoguns have much more power than samurai.daimyo were large landholders who held their estates at the pleasure of the shogun. They controlled the armies that were to provide military service to the shogun when required. samurai were minor nobles and held their land under the authority of the daimyo.

The Elite Samurai, on the other hand, deals -1 damage for its faster attack rate, which results in the Champion beating the Samurai regardless of upgrades. The Japanese bonus to infantry attack speed makes them better in combat than swordsmen from most other civilizations.

Who is the strongest samurai : The majority of the Japanese people know Musashi Miyamoto as Japan's most famous and most skilled swordsman. His status among the Japanese has reached mythic proportions in the same measure that Westerners would give to Muhammad Ali or Michael Jordan. The life of Musashi is the gold standard of samurai in Japan.

Can Vikings beat samurai : Take the samurai and Viking, for example. “My prediction was that the samurai would have cut the Viking to pieces,” he said. “But it turns out that Viking chain mail armor was very effective at dispersing the impact of the samurai katana, which was a slashing weapon. The Viking took him.”

Is it illegal to be a samurai

It is illegal to carry swords and arms in Japan. That is why the samurai cannot exist today.

The samurai warriors do not exist today. It is illegal to carry swords and arms in Japan. However, the cultural legacy of the samurai exists today. The descendants of the samurai families also exist today.Although the shoguns ran the show, they ruled in the name of the emperor. The emperor, his family, and the court nobility had little power, but they were at least nominally above the shogun, and also above the four-tiered system. The emperor served as a figurehead for the shogun, and as the religious leader of Japan.

Would a European knight beat a samurai : Both groups were skilled warriors who had their unique weapons, armor, and tactics. It would be impossible to definitively determine who would win in a hypothetical clash between medieval knights and Japanese samurai due to the significant differences in time and place that separated the two cultures.