What gender is Haku Zabuza?
One of the many sad stories in Naruto is Haku and Zabuza's complicated relationship, a one-sided love that grew into something powerful. From a young age, Haku was an orphaned beggar with a dark and troubled past.In Japan and in many other ancient cultures, it was very common for an older man to take on a young boy lover.Zabuza and Haku were not in a relationship. Haku looked up to zabuza because he took care of him as a kid and trained him to be a ninja. Haku was a male though he was mistaken for a female by Naruto.

Who is stronger Haku or Zabuza : He may have surpassed him in speed and skill (ice style), but as Zabuza said, Haku was too gentle. Unlike Zabuza, he lacked the lust for murder to make him a truly powerful shinobi. Therefore, Zabuza would have won with him even if they had no bond between them.

Who did Haku marry

Haku (wrestler)

Spouse(s) Dorothy Koloamatangi ​ ​ ( m. 1977)​
Children 4, including Tonga Loa, Tama Tonga and Hikuleo
Family Bad Luck Fale (cousin) Steve Fifita (cousin) Tatafu Polota-Nau (cousin)
Professional wrestling career

Why did Zabuza cry : Brought to tears by Naruto's words, Zabuza revealed that he really did care about Haku, and valued him higher than a simple tool. Wanting to repent for what he had done, Zabuza asks Naruto for a kunai.

Not being able to live his own life the way he wanted to, because he was so devoted. Moved by Naruto's tears and words, Zabuza reveals that he is crying as well, finally acknowledging Haku's sacrifice.

Zabuza Momochi
Age 26
Birthday Unknown
Sex Male
Species Unknown

Can Zabuza beat Itachi

Zabuza can't do anything to Itachi. If the fights starts and itachi just looks at him the fight is over he can do whatever he wants to him and paralyze him with demonic shackles which worked even on Orochimaru. Kakashi caught him in it with a basic copy genjutsu and he fell hard for it.7 Would Lose To: Gaara

Since the Kazekage could assail his enemy with tiny particles of sand and rupture his cells from the inside, Zabuza's relatively unimpressive durability and defenses would not be able to overcome this obstacle.Your question is also the answer: he is a boy. Haku is naturally androgynous. He inherited most if his appearance from his mother which happens to make him appear very feminine. I'm just going to note that Haku is not a character that needs further exploration or “interpretation” where his sex/g…

Zabuza was a tall and noticeably muscular man with light grayish skin, short spiky black hair, dark brown eyes, and small eyebrows.

Is Haku a woman : Haku, however, is not a young lady, but instead a young man. He makes this plain to Naruto, who then states his aforementioned attraction to the lad. From then on, any confusion as to which gender Haku is has been clarified, and he's firmly referred to as a boy for the rest of his short life.

Is Zabuza’s friend a girl : During their meeting, Naruto learned about the pleasant aspect to Haku and mistaken him for a girl. Haku also helped Zabuza recover after his battle against Kakashi and Team 7.

Is Zabuza as strong as Kakashi

Zabuza proved to be quite a match for Kakashi, however, once the Konoha Jonin used his Sharingan, the battle was already done and dusted. The fight concluded with Haku sacrificing himself to protect Zabuza who, while incredibly powerful, was hardly a match for Kakashi.

Given that Kakashi was a comparable threat to Zabuza at the time of their encounter (and admitted he could not defeat the fallen Sannin through his own merit), it follows that the scientist would be able to overcome his opponent with little difficulty.Haku is too handsome so he can be confused with a woman. His features are very delicate and because of his calm personality he is sometimes mistaken as a young girl. Naruto thought he was a girl and said “he is just to pretty”. Haku is no trans because he doesn't identify himself as a woman.

Why is Haku like a girl : Why does Haku look like a girl There is no definite answer to this question, but feminine-looking boys (also known as bishonen) have slowly found their way into modern pop culture. And well, Haku is the perfect example of a bishonen character in Naruto. He is a beautiful looking male character in the Naruto anime.