What does Tony Stark suffer from?
Tony Stark has a damaged heart from the plane crash that the Mandarin caused, and because of that, he has an implant made by Dr. Ho Yinsen that keeps it beating. His implant is made out of a stabilized form of Kylight, a metal that is found in the abandoned Stark outpost in the Arctic.The effects of palladium poisoning on Tony Stark. Tony Stark used palladium as the core for his Arc Reactor, but it was increasing his blood toxicity. After searching for every known element, he still could not find one that would not get destroyed, so he had to remain with the palladium.post-traumatic stress disorder

Thirteen years later, Stark is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and has frequent panic attacks due to his experiences during the alien invasion of New York. He has built dozens of new Iron Man suits to cope with his insomnia, creating friction with his girlfriend Pepper Potts.

What was Tony Stark addicted to : alcohol addiction

Tony Stark infamously has a history with alcohol addiction, dating back to his character-defining "Demon in a Bottle" storyline. He's long been on the wagon – save for a recent slip-up – but there's a far different deeper psychological addiction that plagues him, even to this day: an addiction to war.

Does Iron Man have a disability

In the Marvel comic books, Stark, after a life-threatening wound, relies on his Iron Man armour for survival. However, in the film, Stark is not depicted as debilitatingly disabled, furthering the fran- chise's evocation yet rejection of disability.

Why Tony Stark has anxiety : Tony Stark was suffering from PTSD. Since the attack in New York, Tony "couldn't sleep" and suffered bouts of anxiety as well as severe nightmares. Per the NIMH, symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder include: Flashbacks—reliving the trauma over and over, including physical symptoms like a racing heart or sweating.

In Iron Man 3, Anthony Stark appears to meet the full criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder. He either does not know enough about PTSD or he is in denial, refusing to recognize his own problem, which is a common occurrence among some of those who suffer similarly in real life.

Extremis on the Loose

Seeing no other option, he took a modified dose of Extremis to heal his injures and improve his neural interface with the armor and other technologies. The revitalized Iron Man then set out after Mallen.

Does Stark have PTSD

It is estimated that only 7-8% of people will experience it in their lifetime. Tony Stark displayed several common signs of PTSD including nightmares involving the traumatic event and avoidance of places that reminded him of the event.When he is kidnapped and forced to build a devastating weapon, he is made to see the realities of how he made his living. It was while being held hostage that he designed his first Iron Man suit as a means of escape. Stark's anxiety manifests itself as a need to be in complete control.Tony Stark displayed several common signs of PTSD including nightmares involving the traumatic event and avoidance of places that reminded him of the event.

Even assuming Tony was the only one who could have killed the Mad Titan, it wasn't exactly impossible for him to be healed. The critical damage he received could have been reversed by Doctor Strange. Stephen has brought back people from the dead before, with a notable case being Wong in the Doctor Strange film.

Did Tony Stark have OCD : Agent Carter fleshed this out in the final episode. Basically both Howard and Tony have OCD tendencies, most geniuses do. But Tony has a LOT of psychological issues at play.In Howard's case it was displayed with humor, that his gadgets were not stored right.

What keeps Tony alive : The arc reactor keeps Tony Stark alive. In the different versions of Iron Man, Stark's group has been ambushed in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan. Stark sustained serious injuries as a result. He created the personal arc reactor to generate energy for an electromagnet keeping shrapnel away from his heart.

Could Tony survive the snap

In Avengers: Endgame, would Tony have survived if he had not taken so much time saying "And I am Iron Man" before snapping his finger No. While the time he took wasn't helping, the actual snap would have killed him no matter what.


Tony Stark's IQ is estimated at 270 which means that he is a super genius. Only 0.1% of the population comes close to that score. He has invented that many suits and also a new element was discovered by him.The final battle between Iron Man and Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War secretly proved just how much the Mad Titan feared Tony Stark's armored Avenger.

Was Tony scared of Thanos : The pair went head to head in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, but it has been pretty clear from all the way back in the first Avengers movie that Thanos was the Stark's embodiment of fear.