What does the Blue Lagoon do to your skin?
Its Silica Preserves Moisture

Silica is a mineral compound found in the Blue Lagoon, and is perhaps its most buzzed-about element. Silica strengthens the skin's barrier function, meaning it helps lock in moisture and keep out toxins. This, in turn, ensures a youthful, firm complexion, and also slows signs of aging.Drawn to the surface through geothermal extraction wells, the water emerges enriched with silica, algae, and minerals—the bioactive elements that endow this unique fluid with its healing, rejuvenating, nourishing abilities.But is the lagoon's renowned geothermal seawater harmful to your hair No, it is not harmful. Geothermal seawater contains high concentrations of minerals, such as sulfur, silica, and magnesium. While these are great for your skin, they can leave your hair feeling dry and matted.

Is the Blue Lagoon hygienic : Regular sampling of this natural resource—which is rich in salt, silica, and other minerals—shows that foreign bacteria do not thrive in the lagoon's ecosystem. Thus, disinfectants such as chlorine are not needed. In essence, the lagoon is a self-cleaning ecosystem.

Can you skinny dip in the Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon does not allow any skinny dipping. You will have to bring along your swimsuit in order to enter both the water and the saunas. However, there aren't any rules about the type of swimsuit you can bring.

Can you wear sunscreen in the Blue Lagoon : make sure to remove your jewellery & contact lenses. Wear sunscreen & sunglasses. Stay hydrated. Remember to shower before and after getting into the Blue Lagoon.

Blue Lagoon is an exceptional location for healing, comfort, and relaxation, and we have offered psoriasis treatment since 1994. Decades of research confirms the efficacy of Blue Lagoon geothermal seawater for treating psoriasis.

Yes, you should shower before and after your stay at the lagoon.

Can I wear sunscreen in Blue Lagoon

Wear sunscreen & sunglasses. Stay hydrated. Remember to shower before and after getting into the Blue Lagoon. Leave plenty of time to enjoy the Blue Lagoon.Although some geothermal areas you might visit smell strongly of sulfur, like Námaskarð or Seltún, you may not notice it at the Blue Lagoon. Some do smell it upon arrival, but you'll get accustomed to it as you relax and enjoy this memorable experience.Can I swim laps in the Blue Lagoon and do I need goggles The Blue Lagoon is designed for relaxed bathing. Its warm, milky waters are not suitable for vigorous exercise. Likewise, diving is not allowed anywhere.

The Blue Lagoon water has high levels of silica. Silica is not harmful to hair. However, if you get your hair wet from the water, it can become stiff and difficult to manage. We highly recommend you apply conditioner to your hair and leave it in while you bathe.

Do you have to shower after Blue Lagoon : Do you shower after the Blue Lagoon Yes, you should shower before and after your stay at the lagoon. Guests are required to shower, without their swimsuit, prior to using the geothermal spa. Simply use the showers and soaps available in the changing rooms.

Does the Blue Lagoon remove fake tan : Spray tans and hair dyes – if you have had either within seven days you will be unable to float, due to reds and brown dyes dropping out in the crystal clear water! Please allow 3 washes for hair dyes and 3 showers for spray tans before you float.

Why does my skin feel weird after the Blue Lagoon

The harsh minerals will make it feel weird for many days after.

Effects of Blue Lagoon Water

While it is less clear that applying large amounts of silica on the skin will result in reversal of aging, this pure white mineral is very effective in the absorption of oil and can have a positive role in masks for those with acne, eczema and psoriasis.Sunglasses & Sunblock

During the day, light reflection in the lagoon can be substantial. We recommended wearing sunglasses, to minimize the effects of this reflection. Also, if it's sunny, be aware of potential sunburn and consider using sunscreen.

How long should you stay in the Blue Lagoon water : between two and four hours

How long should I plan for the Blue Lagoon Depending on whether or not you want to dine at the Blue Lagoon and how many spa treatments you want to experience, you should stay for between two and four hours.