What becomes of Reva in Obi-Wan?

As an adult, after becoming an Inquisitor, Reva was highly ambitious. She was set on tracking down Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, with her fellow Inquisitors assuming she hoped his capture would gain her Darth Vader's favor and therefore improve her station.Reva formulated a plan to kill Vader by bringing in his former mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi to the Dark Lord of the Sith, seemingly with the goal of winning his approval, only to kill him while he was distracted with Kenobi. This plan led to her becoming fixated on capturing the Jedi Master.She's 22. Her Wookieepedia page states that she was born in 31 BBY, 22 years before the events of Kenobi. This makes her 12 during the flashbacks to Operation: Knightfall.

Why does Reva know who Vader is : Reva knows that Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader because she was one of his targets—a child—during the Order 66 killings that took place during the events of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

How does Reva survive

Reva was herself skewered by Anakin's lightsaber. But the blow was not lethal—it is said that she drew upon the dark side to keep herself from dying. She also successfully feigned death to avoid further brutality. This enabled Reva to survive the Great Jedi Purge, but the course of her life had unalterably changed.

Does Reva know Leia is Anakin’s daughter : Reva's able to put two and two together – she realises that Leia is Anakin's daughter. But what Reva doesn't know is that Anakin himself is unaware of this…she assumes that Anakin had it covered up, and he knows that Leia is his child.

As the Grand Inquisitor made clear, neither he nor Vader had any further use for Reva, and therefore they didn't consider her even worth killing. Instead, they left her crawling in the dirt because, as he had told her before, she was “the least” of them.

As he deals the debilitating lightsaber strike, Darth Vader also reveals that he knows she was a youngling he'd attacked in the Jedi Temple during Order 66.

How did Reva survive Anakin

Reva was herself skewered by Anakin's lightsaber. But the blow was not lethal—it is said that she drew upon the dark side to keep herself from dying. She also successfully feigned death to avoid further brutality. This enabled Reva to survive the Great Jedi Purge, but the course of her life had unalterably changed.The original script for the “Obi-Wan Kenobi” film, before it became a Disney+ series, included Reva's death. Writer Stuart Beattie told The Direct that Reva, played by Moses Ingram, was going to fall by Darth Vader's lightsaber at the hands of actor Hayden Christensen, in order to save Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor).Despite being stabbed by Darth Vader in episode 5, Reva survived and lived through the finale even.

Reva then walked up to the boy, igniting her saber intent on killing him as a means of revenge on Vader. She raised her blade in the air, but was hesitant to strike as she began seeing herself as a Jedi Youngling in Luke's place.

How did Reva survive : Reva was herself skewered by Anakin's lightsaber. But the blow was not lethal—it is said that she drew upon the dark side to keep herself from dying. She also successfully feigned death to avoid further brutality. This enabled Reva to survive the Great Jedi Purge, but the course of her life had unalterably changed.

What did Reva survive : Reva was herself skewered by Anakin's lightsaber. But the blow was not lethal—it is said that she drew upon the dark side to keep herself from dying. She also successfully feigned death to avoid further brutality. This enabled Reva to survive the Great Jedi Purge, but the course of her life had unalterably changed.

Is Reva Star Wars dead

She doesn't. She gets stabbed by Vader and left for dead after she fails spectacularly to kill him, but she doesn't die. She doesn't. At the end of Episode 6 she is given absolution, lays down her saber and is free.