What are the upcoming countries in the EU?
On 8 November 2023, the European Commission recommended opening negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine, and granting candidate status to Georgia. On 14 December 2023, the European Council decided to open accession negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine and to grant the candidate status to Georgia.Ten new countries join the EU: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia.Currently, the United Kingdom is the only state to have withdrawn from membership of the European Union.

What is the latest country to join the eurozone : Croatia

Facts and figures about the euro area

The euro is the currency of 20 EU member states, and it is used by about 350 million people every day. The latest country to join the euro area (also referred to as 'eurozone') was Croatia, which introduced the common currency on 1 January 2023.

Can the UK rejoin the EU

Potential enlargement of the European Union is governed by Article 49 of the Maastricht Treaty. If the UK applied to rejoin the EU, it would need to apply and have its application terms supported unanimously by the EU member states.

What are the next possible EU countries : As of 2022, accession negotiations are under way with Albania (since 2020), Montenegro (since 2012), North Macedonia (since 2020), Serbia (since 2014) and Turkey (since 2005). Negotiations with Turkey are ongoing, but have effectively paused due to objections from the EU.


On 1 July 2013, Croatia became the 28th (now 27th) Member State of the European Union.

Brexit (/ˈbrɛksɪt, ˈbrɛɡzɪt/; portmanteau of "British exit") was the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU). Following a referendum on 23 June 2016, Brexit officially took place at 23:00 GMT on 31 January 2020 (00:00 1 February 2020 CET).

Why is Norway not in the EU

A major issue for Norway is its fishing resources, which are a significant part of the national economy and which would come under the Common Fisheries Policy if Norway were to accede to the EU. Norway has high GNP per capita, and would have to pay a high membership fee.Here is an update on where the nine candidate countries' accession applications currently stand:

  • Albania. Albania submitted its application for EU membership in 2009 and achieved candidate status in 2014.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Georgia.
  • Montenegro.
  • Moldova.
  • North Macedonia.
  • Serbia.
  • Turkey.

Romania has set 2024 as its target year to adopt the euro.

Political positions

Political party Position
Alliance Rejoin
Conservative Party Stay out
Green Party of England and Wales Rejoin
Labour Party Stay out

Was leaving the EU a mistake : Share of people who think Brexit was the right or wrong decision 2020-2024. As of May 2024, 55 percent of people in Great Britain thought that it was wrong to leave the European Union, compared with 31 percent who thought it was the right decision.

Do the Dutch want to leave the EU : Polling. A poll in the Netherlands by the Pew Research Center in June 2016, conducted before the British referendum which led to the withdrawal of the UK from the EU, found 51% of the Dutch respondents to have a positive view of the European Union and 46% a negative view.

Who left EU recently

The UK is the only sovereign country to have left the EU.

A major issue for Norway is its fishing resources, which are a significant part of the national economy and which would come under the Common Fisheries Policy if Norway were to accede to the EU. Norway has high GNP per capita, and would have to pay a high membership fee.One of these questions is about the exit of France from the EU. The result was that 60% opposed it. A YouGov/Eurotrack survey conducted in March 2023 among 1002 French citizens found that 48% would vote to remain in the EU, 26% would vote to leave, while another 26% would not know/refused/abstained.

Is Slovakia in the European Union : Slovakia joined the European Union in 2004 and adopted the euro on 1 January 2009.