Was Carol Danvers born human?
Former Air Force pilot and intelligence agent Carol Danvers pursued her dream of space exploration as a NASA employee, but her life forever changed when she was accidentally transformed into a human-Kree hybrid with extraordinary powers.Born in Boston to former U.S. Navy officer and construction worker Joe Danvers and undercover Kree champion Mari-Ell, Carol Danvers was originally named Car-Ell (“Champion” in Kree) but her parents changed it to “Carol” so she would fit in better on Earth.Carol Danvers was born to Joe Danvers Sr., a former U.S. Navy officer and a construction worker, and Mari-Ell, a captain in the Kree Army. Mari-Ell had been sent to Earth on a mission to assimilate with humans and give birth to a hybrid child, but had decided to abandon her former life and cut contact with the Kree.

Is Carol Danvers a God : Carol Danvers becomes the cosmic super goddess that Jean Grey's "Phoenix" character was (in the original X-Men comics' series) and should have been in the film. The positive is that we still get an incredibly strong female lead who is cosmically identified with god(dess) like capacities.

How did captain become old

Captain America kind of explains that in the film. He says something along the lines of him getting some of the life that Tony Stark and the dance with Peggy kind of suggests he spent his life with her in an alternate time line – and grew old in a world that didn't need him.

Is Captain Marvel a human Kree hybrid : Carol DanversCaptain Marvel

As a human-Kree hybrid, the former Air Force pilot named Carol Danvers protects the galaxy as the cosmically powerful Captain Marvel. Near death, Carol Danvers was transformed into a powerful warrior for the Kree.

The combination of Kree DNA and the power of the Space Stone significantly slowed down Carol's physical aging, which is why she looks the same years later in Avengers: Endgame, where she would be in her late 50s.

Later on, there is a five-year time jump to 2023, and that's where the rest of the film takes place, meaning that Carol is now 56 years old. Some fans believe that Danvers could have been born a few years earlier, in 1965, but that would still make her 58 years old in 2023.

What is Carol Danvers’s backstory

After an alien device mutated her DNA, Danvers transformed from a merely brilliant pilot into one of the most powerful Super Heroes in the universe. Now soaring among the stars, Carol Danvers is known as Captain Marvel.Thor – Marvel Comics, Avenger, God of Thunder | Britannica.Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse

The existence of the One Above All is "humbling" even to other gods like Thor, who recognize his place as the strongest Marvel god. The One Above All has appeared to other cosmic beings as well as heroes like Spider-Man.

Putting that all together, she has to have been born between September-December 1965, aka Late 1965. And since The Marvels, the last project in the MCU timeline right now, takes place in late November 2026, she is 61 (or about to become 61) in that movie. She just ages slower due to the Kree blood in her system.

Does Steve Rogers age : But during his retirement (1945- 2023) he was aging (again in cellular level and normal time arc ) so from 1945 to 2023, the timeline was 78 years long. So when we see Steve sitting on the bench, he was technically 183 years old but on the cellular level he was 117 years old.

Was Nebula originally Kree : Despite looking Kree she is actually part Luphomoid. They are not exactly a major player in the Marvel universe. Besides Nebula we've only seen a handful of characters from this species, including Nebulas father. In the comics, she claims to be the granddaughter of Thanos and that her father is Thanos's son.

Are Kree stronger than humans

The average Kree is roughly twice as strong, dense and durable as an Earth human.

If that was the case, it would mean that Carol was born sometime in 1967, which would make her around 56 years old in the year 2023. Some fans have made compelling arguments that state she was actually born in 1965, but that would still only put her age at around 58 years old.Thor

Thor. While Steve Rogers gets the title of the oldest human avenger, Thor Odinson, as the mighty Asgardian God of Thunder, has a much longer life span than any of his Earth-born friends.

Why didn’t Carol Danvers age : The combination of Kree DNA and the power of the Space Stone significantly slowed down Carol's physical aging, which is why she looks the same years later in Avengers: Endgame, where she would be in her late 50s.