Is Thor more powerful than Thanos?
9 Thor Is Stronger Than Thanos But That Doesn't Mean He Can Beat Him. Thor and Thanos have tangled several times over the years, with Thanos being one of the few beings that Thor can't beat in a fight. However, that isn't for lack of trying and it isn't for lack of strength.Thanos himself said that Zeus was on par with Odin. It's comics, so people get retconned to be more powerful all the time, but without the gauntlet any All Father or cosmic entity like Ego was more powerful than Thanos.Odin. Even at the time of his MCU debut, Thor wasn't the MCU's strongest character. That title, at that time, belonged to Anthony Hopkins' Odin. The patriarch of the Norse pantheon and the King of Asgard, Odin possessed an incalculable degree of power in the MCU, even at his advancing age.

Has Thor beaten Thanos in comics : After weakening Odin with poison, Thanos avenged his earlier defeat and teamed up with Mangog on a dark cosmic quest. Thor joined forces with Firelord to prevent the end of everything. However, it took some upgraded armor and weapons for Thor to prevail over Thanos, who seemingly perished at the end of the story.

Can Thor beat Thanos by himself

Yes. Thor at his peak could have beaten Thanos by himself. One hit from him using Stormbreaker would mortally wound Thanos.

Could Odin beat Thor : Odin is basically Thor and all the other Asgardians rolled into one—though he's even wiser, more experienced, and minus one eye. As the default King of Asgard, Odin is easily the most powerful being in his realm.

Although he is an extremely skilled marksman, Clint Barton is often considered to be the weakest member of the team seeing as he's just a regular guy with a bow and arrow. That certainly means that Hawkeye one of the weakest Avengers.

The theory posits Ego, Odin, and The Ancient One as three of Thanos' greatest fears, and he waited until all of them were dead to make his move.

Is Hulk or Thor stronger

He has centuries of battle experience, the hones skills of a warrior, and one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant.Zeus. It should come as no surprise that, in a one-on-one battle of Zeus vs Thor, Zeus would easily triumph.While audiences never got to see Quicksilver at full power, super-speed is one of the best abilities a hero can have when facing an enemy like Thanos. With enough training, Quicksilver would have been more than capable of defeating Thanos when he finally arrived in Infinity War.

Thor was sent into a state of shock and panic after Thanos completed the Snap, even more so than his allies because Thor was afraid of the consequences.

Can Hulk beat Thanos : Thanos and Hulk have clashed several times in Marvel lore, with Thanos even admitting he was scared to face the Hulk before acquiring the Infinity Stones. While Thanos is usually the victor, it's generally down to him using superior tactics and technology, rather than simply possessing greater physical strength.

Could Zeus beat Odin : So while Zeus' best feat is defeating a mountain-sized monster, Odin's best feat is defeating a monster as big as nine worlds. Odin outclasses Zeus in intelligence, versatility, strength, and weapons. Zeus simply can't compete. The winner is Odin, All-Father of the Æsir.

Who can defeat Thor

Steve Rogers is one of the few mortals able to not only lift Mjolnir, but wield its full power, making him someone who legitimately could defeat Thor. Assuming the reason for their battle is due to Thor being deceived, possessed, or otherwise out of his mind, Cap would be able to use Mjolnir against him.

Strength of character, physical strength, mystical strength, you name it, and Thor has it. Hence, making him the strongest Avenger on this list. So Far we have adored and loved all these marvel heroes and have been awestruck seeing them work together as a team although some of our beloved characters are dead.While the primary Thanos from Earth-616's universe was defeated and was never worthy to lift Mjolnir, it's possible that a future (or existing) variant of Thanos could.

Can Odin solo Thanos : 9 Odin Embodied The Full Might Of Asgard

With Odin still ruling Asgard, Thanos would have easily been stopped had he made a play for the Infinity Gauntlet. Odin himself had once sought the Infinity Gauntlet, and would therefore be attuned to any other individuals attempting to follow in his footsteps.