Is Snape ever nice to Harry?
The biggest indicator that Severus Snape cared for Harry Potter was his eternal love for Harry's mother, Lily. And the strong feelings that Snape felt for Harry's mother carried on with his feelings towards Harry. Harry resembled so much of his mother's personality, as well as her physical appearance.Snape's 'him' is italicized, and then he produces a Patronus the same of Lily Potter's. This indicated that Snape cared for Lily, and cared for Harry because Lily would have wanted it.He strongly dislikes Harry and often insults him by insulting his father James. As the series progresses, it is revealed that his treatment of Harry stems from Snape's bitter rivalry with James when they were in school together.

Did Snape have any affection for Harry : To the main point, Snape never shared a memory with Harry that said “I love Harry Potter like he were my son”. There's the “always” scene but the whole segment of memories is meant to show more regret and longing for Lily than affection to Harry.

Did Lily ever forgive Snape

She missed Snape, but she knew she could never forgive him. Snape never stopped trying to make amends. But Lily remained steadfast. She could not, would not, forgive him.

Did Snape prefer Harry or Draco : He is his godson and the child of his good friend Narcissa and fellow former death eater Lucius. He is fond of Draco if you could call it that. He doesn't like Harry at all.

Snape wasn't unrequitted, but he merely loved Lily in a puppy, childish way just the same way she loved him. He didn't mature his feelings until very late, as an adult, when she was already out of grasp. Remember what Rowling said when she was asked if Lily ever reciprocated Snape's feelings.

Lily Only Ever Saw Snape As A Friend

As much as people romanticize Snape's infatuation with Lily, the fact she did not love him back romantically is ignored. The fact Snape and Lily were only friends, and she only saw it as such, reveals a lot about his refusal to respect her boundaries.

Why did Snape only love Lily

Lily brought light and warmth into Snape's life from the moment they met. He was an isolated, lonely child whose magic would have only made him more of an outsider in his hometown of Cokeworth.Rowling: "What ! Oh! Oops." Jokes aside, Draco is not Snape's son.Why did Snape hate Hermione I think Snape was probably initially impressed with Hermione, but later frustrated with her, for a few reasons. Hermione was very book-smart and could come up with answers quickly, but didn't seem to be very good at improvising or trying to improve on existing Magic.

Severus Snape spent the majority of his life in love with Lily Potter. It is easy to understand why Snape, who had an unhappy homelife as a child, fell hard for the first person to show him love and kindness.

Did Voldemort try to spare Lily for Snape : When Snape heard the prophecy and pleaded with Voldemort to spare Lily's life, he may have inadvertently caused his downfall. While we know Voldemort killed Lily, he did give her a choice. If she stepped aside and allowed him to murder Harry, he would spare her. Lily refused and sacrificed herself to save her son.

Did Narcissa Malfoy love her son : Narcissa adored her only child, Draco, and was very protective of him. She insisted he not attend the Durmstrang Institute because it was so far from home, and frequently sent him sweet and cake packages while during his first year at Hogwarts.

Was Snape a good guy

Since the first Harry Potter movie, Severus Snape was presented as a villainous figure, but once the final installment was released, viewers learned his intentions were never evil — leading to the endless debate over was Snape good or bad.

Draco thinks Snape is trying to usurp his mission for the greater glory of Snape. Draco wants to atone for Lucius' failings by proving himself. He doesn't want Snape's help and resents Snape for putting his oar in. He probably also resents his mum for going to Snape.He simply didn't value the Gryffindor traits as much as he valued others. We really don't see much of an average day's activity at Hogwarts, so it is hard to say. Maybe Snape gets on just fine with quiet Gryffindors. We would need to see how Snape interacts with Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs as well for comparison.

Did Narcissa divorce Lucius : In fact, Lucius' own support to Voldemort is revealed to come only under some form of duress, which is likely Narcissa's Veela Allure. When Lucius turns on Voldemort due to the reveal of his Horcruxes, Narcissa divorces him, taking 75% of Malfoy's wealth with her.