Is Loki is immortal?
Loki, as it turns out, was the only one who could save the TVA—and so from the moment Sylvie killed He Who Remains, he was destined to need to hold the timelines in place. He's now Loki Who Remains, possibly for the rest of time.As one of the Norse gods, Loki is treated as an immortal entity that ages differently than humans. He appears as an adult figure along the same lines as Odin, Thor and the other main Norse deities.Loki Is About 16 Years Old In The MCU

In Thor: The Dark World, Odin reminds Loki that Asgardians are not immortal and have lifespans as humans do, to which Loki responds: "Give or take 5,000 years." From this, it can be calculated that Asgardians live to about 5,100, with Loki being around 1050 years old in the MCU.

Is Loki an evil god : Loki is considered a trickster god, known for being neither fully good nor evil since his main aim was always to create chaos. Despite his father being a giant, he is still counted a member of the Aesir—a tribe of deities including Odin, Frigg, Tyr, and Thor.

How long can Loki live

"Loki Is About 16 Years Old In The MCU In Thor: The Dark World, Odin reminds Loki that Asgardians are not immortal and have lifespans as humans do, to which Loki responds: "Give or take 5,000 years." From this, it can be calculated that Asgardians live to about 5,100, with Loki being around 1050 years old in the MCU."

Is Loki now God of time : Yes. Loki goes back to the loom, transforming into the god we all know and (sometimes) love, and destroys it as his friends look on, telling them he knows what type of god he needs to be. He finds himself entangled among the branches, physically gathering them and pulling them with him as he becomes the god of time.

In his exile, Odin apparently thought over all the acts he had done and likely felt remorse over them, as he showed no hostility towards Loki and even noted Frigga would be proud of him. He also admitted that he truly loved both of his sons and expressed remorse for failing to stop Ragnarök.

Originally Answered: How old is the MCU movie character known as Odin By the time of his death Odin was well over 5000 years old unlike other Asgardians Odin could extend his via the Odinsleep.

Is Loki the weakest god

Loki May Be a God, But He Has MANY Weaknesses

Despite his strengths, Loki has his weakness. Afterall, he's considered weak by Frost Giant standards. If Thor uses Mjolnir against him, Loki can also be rendered immobile.around 5,000 years

Asgardians typically live for around 5,000 years, though Thor's exact age in the blockbuster series has never been disclosed.Is Thor younger or elder to Loki Thor is older. This was the reason Odin named him heir to the Throne of Asgard.

Is Loki more powerful than Thor Not at all. In Thor #382 of Walter Simonson's amazing run, Thor undergoes many challenges Loki has put in his way and as he reaches him, he leaves a little momento for Loki.

Is Loki the most powerful : This meant that Loki truly became a hero, as he sacrificed his own freedom to protect that of everyone else on every branching timeline, becoming perhaps the most powerful character in the entire MCU.

Did Odin forgive Loki : Oddly enough, it was here when Odin chose to forgive him when he saw Loki before his death. At this point, Odin even praised Loki for using an effective enchantment on him.

Does Loki love or hate Thor

On Sakaar, Thor decided that because of their differences and distinct objectives in life, the best would be if they parted ways with each other. This hurts Loki who, despite everything, also deeply loves his brother.

Portrayed by Anthony Hopkins, Odin is the powerful ruler of the Nine Realms who has sworn to protect every kingdom under his rule. With Odin still ruling Asgard, Thanos would have easily been stopped had he made a play for the Infinity Gauntlet.Chronologically speaking, most scholars contest that Odin was created before Zeus . The earliest evidence for worship of Zeus goes back before 500 BCE, but Odin is attested by various Germanic tribes as far back as the 12th century BCE.

Is Loki the smartest god : 9 Loki's Knowledge Of Magic And Cunning Make Him Asgard's Smartest God.