Is it better to marry someone similar?
One of the most robust findings from all of psychology is that similarity makes for good pairing. There is little, if any, evidence for opposites attracting.Besides the theoretical support, some empirical studies have also supported the importance of similarity between partners. For example, partners sharing similar personality traits and/or emotions tend to have more satisfying and stable relationships (Anderson et al., 2003; Luo and Klohnen, 2005; Gonzaga et al., 2007).Generally speaking, we tend to have something in common with our romantic partners, whether that be similar interests, backgrounds, or personalities. Whether we grow to be more similar with time or choose someone with similar traits to ourselves, however, is still an open question.

Should you marry someone you have things in common : "Society has conditioned us to believe that having similar interests can equate to being romantically compatible — but in reality, having similar interests is not enough for a couple to sustain a happy and successful long-term relationship," confirms Lisa Fei, founder and CEO of relationship wellness app Clarity.

Is it bad to date someone who is too similar to you

Dating someone just like you may seem like a good idea, but it's not. A relationship between similar personalities has no room for growth. Instead, you should look for someone who has a complementary personality—similar enough to get along yet different enough to challenge you.

Is it better to be opposites or similar in a relationship : The idea that opposites attract is a popular notion, especially promoted in pop culture, like the song and music video for “Opposites Attract” by Paula Abdul and MC Skat Kat. However, similarities in core values and beliefs are generally more important for long-term relationship success.

A 2013 study by eHarmony mirrored these findings. An investigation of the matchmaking site's matching system results showed that even when opposites are initially attracted, their similarities in personality lead to a long-term relationship.

Date Someone Similar to You

There is little, if any, evidence for opposites attracting. Many researchers have assessed romantic couples across a variety of dimensions and found that couples that form lasting relationships often have marked similarities.

Is it better for couples to be similar or different

Opposites don't attract: couples more likely to be similar than different, study shows. The power of animal magnetism has brought countless couples together, but when it comes to who we fall for, scientists say there's little truth in the old adage that opposites attract.Just because partners tend to be similar does not mean that more similar couples are in more satisfying relationships or that their relationships last longer. Perhaps dissimilar partners are less common but just as satisfied and successful.Dating someone just like you may seem like a good idea, but it's not. A relationship between similar personalities has no room for growth. Instead, you should look for someone who has a complementary personality—similar enough to get along yet different enough to challenge you.

Experts suggest that couples don't have to share many of the same interests to have a long and lasting relationship. If you share many of the same core values, your relationship has a stronger foundation than if it's based purely on a similar taste in music, or other interests that might shift throughout life.

Is it better to be with someone similar to you or opposite : The idea that we are drawn to our opposites is mostly a myth. Sure, it does happen, but most people are attracted to people they share things in common with—and research suggests that similarity is what makes for a satisfying, lasting relationship.

Is it bad for couples to be similar : Couples may share some physical and personality traits, but it's not a rule. Similarities can develop due to shared experiences, interests, or values, but differences are also common and important in a healthy relationship. Compatibility can be a mix of similarities and differences.

Do similar people make good couples

Just because partners tend to be similar does not mean that more similar couples are in more satisfying relationships or that their relationships last longer. Perhaps dissimilar partners are less common but just as satisfied and successful.

Dating someone just like you may seem like a good idea, but it's not. A relationship between similar personalities has no room for growth. Instead, you should look for someone who has a complementary personality—similar enough to get along yet different enough to challenge you.Factors that Influence the Likelihood of Falling in Love

Rather than an exact list, the below is a combination of factors researchers have identified as influential in making people more likely to fall in love. Similarity: Having similar belief systems, personality traits, and patterns of thinking.

Can a relationship work if you are very similar : Similarity of personality, on the other hand, does not appear to matter as much. While some research found that people report being most attracted to others with similar personalities, similar personalities did not strongly predict relationship outcomes. How similar partners are might be a function of how they met.