Is Hulk a God now?
Hulk Is A God on Hulk Planet

The people of Hulk Planet know he was responsible for transforming and evolving them with the Gamma energy he unleashed on the planet, and as such, they worship Hulk as a god and even built statues to recognize his importance.The Hulk is a God Who Is Worshiped Through Fear

Unlike other Hulk villains, however, these monsters don't seem to be seeking him out to harm or use him in any way, they seem to know him on a deeper level than he may even know himself.It was one of the more epic Marvel events in recent memory. And with this issue showing that Hulk, when mad enough, can take down an actual god, it's no wonder that MCU Loki was so scared when he saw the not-so-jolly- green giant show up in Ragnarok.

Who is Marvel’s god : Gods like Thor and Loki come from Norse mythology but have become their own entities under the Marvel brand. Every Marvel god has their own powers and mythos, and while they are all very powerful, some are much stronger than others.

Is Hulk Immortal now

The Hulk is now immortal. His limbs and organs were removed and stored in jars, he still didn't die. Banner can die, and died in the excellent 'Hulk.

Is Hulk truly immortal : The Jade Giant has been killed and resurrected so many times in his history that Marvel Comics has actually confirmed that the Hulk is immortal.

The Olympian easily defeated the Hulk and tested his healing factor in their fight. While Hulk's powers kept the hero alive, it was pushed to its limits by Zeus, who proved he was even stronger than the Jade Giant.

As time passed, however, he became more vile and cruel, presumably because of the gamma radiation corrupting his mind. However, nothing in the text proves the radiation supported this, and because the Hulk is shown to outright gloat about his villainy, this disqualifies The Hulk from having any moral agency issues.

Is Zeus stronger than Hulk

Hulk has taken on Marvel gods like Thor before and come out victorious, but Zeus represents a much more powerful opponent. The Olympian easily defeated the Hulk and tested his healing factor in their fight.IMMORTAL HULK #7

He suggested Banner's Devil Hulk incarnation was something closer to a god, and Devil Hulk did something that no other Hulk has: he truly hurt Thor. With a single blow, Hulk knocked out one of Thor's teeth and cracked his skull.By saving and organizing every existing timeline, Loki has become the God of Time — a higher being who keeps the past, present, and future of every universe from being erased by outside forces. However, Loki has also become the God of Stories, as he has placed everybody's personal journey above his own.

Steve Rogers is one of the few mortals able to not only lift Mjolnir, but wield its full power, making him someone who legitimately could defeat Thor. Assuming the reason for their battle is due to Thor being deceived, possessed, or otherwise out of his mind, Cap would be able to use Mjolnir against him.

Can Hulk live forever : The Jade Giant has been killed and resurrected so many times in his history that Marvel Comics has actually confirmed that the Hulk is immortal. One of the most adventurous times in the Hulk's life was when Earth's superhero Illuminati shot him into space.

Why is Hulk unkillable : The Hulk has gone through a number of changes throughout the years, and his most recent transformation has granted the hero immortality. Despite being one of the strongest heroes in the Marvel Universe, Bruce Banner and his alternate personality, the Hulk, have been killed quite a few times.

Can Immortal Hulk beat Thor


With a single blow, Hulk knocked out one of Thor's teeth and cracked his skull. With Thor out of the picture, Hulk easily fought off the rest of the Avengers until they unleashed an orbital weapon against him.

Hulk Is Stronger Than Thor, But He Still Loses

He has centuries of battle experience, the hones skills of a warrior, and one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant.As Skyfather of Olympus, Zeus wields power comparable to Odin, whose wrath Thanos has withstood but not bested. At the same time, Zeus cannot truly die. While the most powerful of Olympians can be badly wounded or even dismembered, he can never actually pass on into oblivion.

Will Hulk ever be angry again : So while the MCU's Hulk may never go back to being angry the same way he was before, Bruce has a new set of personal demons to deal with that can have lasting repercussions on the MCU.