Is Draco Snape's son?
Jokes aside, Draco is not Snape's son. Yes, not only did he fathered Draco, he fathered Harry, Hermione, Hagrid, Neville, Luna and Dobby as well. In fact he has fathered half of the Wizarding World, all who are the good guys.Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, was Snape's friend and fellow Death Eater. Snape owed a great deal to Lucius. So, naturally, Snape would treat Draco specially. Draco Malfoy was in Slytherin and despite everything, Snape still gave special treatment to all the Slytherins in general.Notes and references. ↑ Severus died in 1998 without marrying nor having children, and his parents' fates are unknown.

Is Draco Snape’s godson : While there is no canon evidence of Snape being Draco's Godfather, I know from a third party source Tom Felton's friend who was told by JKR that Snape was indeed Draco's Godfather. It could be a retcon like many post canon additions but word came from JKR herself which explains Snape's closeness to Draco.

Who is Snape to Draco

There has been much fandom speculation about the relationship between the Malfoy family and Snape. Although there is no canon explanation of such a relationship, I would like to speculate that, if in fact Snape is not Draco's godfather or relative, then he is at least acting as a guardian to the boy.

Did Draco have a patronus : J.K. Rowling says Draco doesn't have a patronus because he never learned the spell but I think it's because he doesn't have any powerful happy memories to use.

There has been much fandom speculation about the relationship between the Malfoy family and Snape. Although there is no canon explanation of such a relationship, I would like to speculate that, if in fact Snape is not Draco's godfather or relative, then he is at least acting as a guardian to the boy.

He promised to protect Draco Malfoy from harm and guide him whilst he attempted to perform the task the Dark Lord had asked him to do: to kill Albus Dumbledore. Snape was actually a double agent working for Dumbledore, who requested Snape to kill him anyway to spare him of a painful and humiliating death.

Is Harry actually Snapes’ son

The movies follow the books closely enough that they aren't really separate universes, except for the fourth movie. There isn't any truly compelling evidence that Snape is Harry's father, because all the points you raise are explained. Snape hated Harry because Harry reminded him of the man who "stole" Lily.Professor Luna Scamander (née Lovegood) (b. 13 February 1981) was a witch and the only child and daughter of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood.J.K. Rowling says Draco doesn't have a patronus because he never learned the spell but I think it's because he doesn't have any powerful happy memories to use. He has tons of happy memories… He had an amazing childhood. However, she also said Snape was the only Death Eater who could produce a Patronus.

J.K. Rowling says Draco doesn't have a patronus because he never learned the spell but I think it's because he doesn't have any powerful happy memories to use.

Why did Malfoy hate Snape : Draco thinks Snape is trying to usurp his mission for the greater glory of Snape. Draco wants to atone for Lucius' failings by proving himself. He doesn't want Snape's help and resents Snape for putting his oar in. He probably also resents his mum for going to Snape.

Is Draco related to Sirius : He marries Narcissa Black and together they have one son, Draco, who is the first Malfoy family member introduced in the series. The Malfoys are related to the Black family through Narcissa (a first cousin of Sirius Black, Harry's godfather), which makes Draco a nephew of both Bellatrix Lestrange and Andromeda Tonks.

Who has a crush on Draco

Harry Potter

Harry Potter had a few love interests during his time at Hogwarts. Though he eventually settled down with Ginny Weasley, he also had a thing for Cho Chang in his earlier school years. Then, of course, there's his secret love for Draco Malfoy…

The movies follow the books closely enough that they aren't really separate universes, except for the fourth movie. There isn't any truly compelling evidence that Snape is Harry's father, because all the points you raise are explained. Snape hated Harry because Harry reminded him of the man who "stole" Lily.Snape cared and was fond of the Malfoy family given he used to be Lucius´s friend and could relate to Narcissa´s desperation when both knew Voldemort planned to kill off Draco as punishment for Lucius. I also think he cared deeply for Draco as well and didn´t want him to die or become a death eater.

Is Snape actually helping Draco : By the end of The Half-Blood Prince, Snape's position as a true villain seems assured. He was helping Draco, who was a Death Eater. He killed Dumbledore and took over as Headmaster. He seems, in every way, to have betrayed Dumbledore's trust and let his true colors show.