Is Bucky older than Cap?
Bucky Barnes, like Steve Rogers, has lived for several decades due to cryogenic freezing and the super-soldier serum. Bucky's life expectancy could potentially surpass Steve's 116 years, depending on circumstances. Despite outwardly aging at the same rate as Steve, Bucky can still live for at least another 80 years.Biologically he's about in his late-30s to early-40s. This is because he's 27 years old when he goes into ice for almost 70 years (which is said by Nick Fury at the end of The First Avenger) 2011-1945= 66. So if we take his biological age (27) and add on 12 years (the events of Endgame in 2023) we get 39.Gail Richards
Surviving the war and believing Captain America's death, Bucky eventually marries Gail Richards and has a large extended family. During which, Bucky is diagnosed as having lung cancer from chain smoking back in the War. Barnes and Gail both live to see Steve's revival in the 21st century and renews their friendship.

Is Bucky the same as Captain America : Since then, Bucky has dedicated himself to making up for the atrocities he committed as the Winter Soldier. He even took up the mantle of Captain America for a time and also stepped in for Nick Fury as "the man on the wall," keeping an eye out for threats to Earth's existence.

How old is Bucky biologically

Taking the experimentation, cryogenic freezing and time skips into consideration, Bucky is physically somewhere in his mid-30s by the time The Falcon and the Winter Soldier takes place, making him appear seventy-some years younger than his chronological age.

How did Cap get so old : Due to what Thanos did and the discovery of time-travel by the Avengers, the world of MCU branched itself into many other realities. So Cap travelled back to another reality in which he did not spend 66 years unconscious and frozen in ice until he was discovered found by S.H.I.E.L.D. in 21st century.

However, the serum was powerful enough to help Bucky survive the fall from the train, and much like Steve, he exhibits enhanced physical qualities, so it can be assumed that, also like Steve, he ages slower than the average human.

According to Google, comics Bucky was born March 10, 1917. If we presume that's the case for movie Bucky, he'd have been 24 when the US declared war against Japan and 28 when the war was in it's closing days, which is generally the time frame for when he disappeared.

Who was Bucky’s girlfriend

Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes' love interests are few and far between in both the MCU and the comic book pages. One of the few serious relationships that Bucky built outside of the MCU was with his love interest Natasha Romanoff. The two had a fascinating partnership, as Barnes was initially her trainer in the Red Room.The actor also said that Sam and Bucky's relationship is rooted in acceptance, appreciation, and love for each other. "You'd call it a bromance, but it's literally just two guys who have each other's backs," he said.In terms of raw strength, Captain America is typically portrayed as being stronger than the Winter Soldier, although the Winter Soldier's combat skills and agility can still make him a formidable opponent.

Unlike some characters, Bucky does have a canonical birthday: March 10, 1917. He's a little more than a year older than Steve, which makes him the oldest human Avenger at a chronological 106-years-old.

How old was Bucky in 1945 : 28
According to Google, comics Bucky was born March 10, 1917. If we presume that's the case for movie Bucky, he'd have been 24 when the US declared war against Japan and 28 when the war was in it's closing days, which is generally the time frame for when he disappeared.

How did cap lose his virginity : Captain America losing his virginity to a USO girl in 1943 means that he did so while very clearly having strong feelings for Peggy. They had yet to act on them at this point, but their interest in one another was quite obvious.

How old is Bucky physically

He's a little more than a year older than Steve, which makes him the oldest human Avenger at a chronological 106-years-old. This puts him in his twenties during Captain America: The First Avenger, as he would have been about 26 in 1943, when he and the 107th were captured by Hydra.

One fan-favorite character that hasn't had any canon romances in the MCU so far is Bucky Barnes. While he has been romantically linked to characters in the comics, this was never featured in the MCU although this isn't completely out of the question to happen in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.In 1872 (which is an alternate universe in the Wild West), Natasha and Bucky are married, however it is revealed that Bucky was killed by Mayor Wilson Fisk's men when he tried to stop a lynching.

Does cap love Bucky : He most definitely loved both Peggy and Bucky, with the latter considered to be in a romantic sense as well for many fans. While Peggy was his actual love interest, Steve's love for Bucky was such that they can be considered each other's true loves, even if it's seen in a platonic context.