Is Black Widow a KGB?
Following her graduation, Romanoff was given the mantle of "Black Widow" and was placed in the KGB by General Dreykov, and soon became regarded as a master spy and one of the world's greatest assassins.The Committee for State Security (Russian; Комите́т госуда́рственной безопа́сности), abbreviated as KGB, was the main security agency for the Soviet Union.The character was introduced as a Russian spy, an antagonist of the superhero Iron Man. She later defected to the United States, becoming an agent of the fictional spy agency S.H.I.E.L.D. and a member of the superhero team the Avengers.

Was Black Widow in the CIA : Originally an agent of the Soviet agency for foreign intelligence, the KGB; she later became a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., the international counter-intelligence agency. Having extensive mastery in the martial arts and armed with her Widow's Bite, Black Widow was one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most talented agents.

Is Black Widow set in Russia

They steal S.H.I.E.L.D. intel and escape to Cuba where their boss, General Dreykov, has Romanoff and Belova taken to the Red Room for training as Widows. In the following decades, Shostakov is imprisoned in Russia while Romanoff and Belova become successful, dangerous assassins.

What level is Natasha Romanoff in shield : Natasha Romanova (Black Widow) – First known Black Widow. Was a level 10 agent before S.H.I.E.L.D. was restructured. One of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top agents.

On 3 December 1991, the KGB was officially dissolved. It was later succeeded in Russia by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) and what would later become the Federal Security Service (FSB).

As a Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff completed many missions for the KGB. On her first one in the United States, she and operative Boris Turgenov were sent to assassinate a Russian scientist, Anton Vanko. Vanko had defected to the United States with his Crimson Dynamo armor and began working with Tony Stark.

What does Russia think of Black Widow

Film critics in the country have panned the movie, in part for what they describe as a hopelessly inept portrayal of Russia and Russians. But audiences are more forgiving; many just come for the action, and the film does not disappoint in that department.She started off as a former villainess serving as a spy before becoming a superhero by initiating herself as a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a longtime member of the superhero team called the Avengers.Natasha Romanoff was born in the Soviet Union as Natalia Alianovna Romanova (Наталия Альяновна Романова). Although her exact parentage is unknown, it is rumored that she is related to the late Romanov dynasty—the former rulers of Russia—but those claims have so far been unproven.


Black Widow was introduced by Marvel in Tales of Suspense #52 in April, 1964. Black Widow has a height of 5'5” (1.64 m) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and 5'7” (1.70 m) in the comics. Black Widow, real name Natasha Romanoff, is a trained female secret agent and superhero that appears in Marvel Comics.

Who is level 10 shield : Nick Fury

Johnson is taken under the wing of Nick Fury (S.H.I.E.L.D.'s director). While working for this agency she is granted “Level 10” security clearance, being one of the only agents to have such a high ranking. The only others that share her security clearance are Nick Fury and Natasha Romanova (Black Widow).

Who is level 9 in Shield : The only known person that had Level 9 Clearance was Maria Hill.

Is CIA better than KGB

The question of who was better, the KGB or CIA, is difficult, if not impossible, to answer objectively. Indeed, when the CIA was formed, the Soviet Union's foreign intelligence agency had far more experience, established policies and procedures, a history of strategic planning, and more highly defined functions.

The KGB was succeeded overall by the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK) of Russia, which in-turn was succeeded by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB).Hunting Clint Barton

Yelena Belova was eventually approached by Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, who informed Belova that Clint Barton was the man responsible for Romanoff's death, and offered Belova the chance to eliminate him to exact vengeance.

Can Scarlett Johansson speak Russian : Johansson learned some Russian from a former teacher on the phone for her role as Black Widow in The Avengers (2012), another entry from the MCU. The film received mainly positive reviews and broke many box office records, becoming the third highest-grossing film both in the United States and worldwide.