Is bass better with pick or fingers?
Some bassists choose not to play bass with a pick due to a preference for a warmer & more organic tone that fingers provide. They believe that playing with fingers allows for a greater range of dynamics and nuances in the attack, resulting in a smoother and more fluid sound.Bass players generally use thicker picks. The thickness improves the bass playing control, and the overall tone of the string. The average pick thickness for bass players is 1.17 mm, while for guitar players is 0.89 mm. Remember, bass strings are much thicker than guitar strings.Truthfully, there is no right or wrong way to play a bass guitar. There isn't even a preferred way. Any method you use to get sound out of the thing—fingers, pick, thumb, those weird stick things Tony Levin uses, telekinesis, whatever—works just fine. It's purely a matter of personal preference.

Do metal bassists use picks : Most metal bassists play by plucking the strings with their fingers or by picking with a plectrum, often known as a pick. Using a pick can enable bassists to play rapid repeated notes and fast basslines, although some bassists, such as Steve Harris and Steve DiGiorgio, play such basslines without the use of a plectrum.

Should I play bass with a pick or finger

Truthfully, there is no right or wrong way to play a bass guitar. There isn't even a preferred way. Any method you use to get sound out of the thing—fingers, pick, thumb, those weird stick things Tony Levin uses, telekinesis, whatever—works just fine. It's purely a matter of personal preference.

Why do bassists not use picks : Why do you want to use your fingers In my opinion, there should only be one, honest answer to this question – “Because it is the sound I want.” Any other answer like it's easier, or I can play faster, or bass player so-and-so does it, doesn't matter. If it's the tone you want or need, choose that method.

Truthfully, there is no right or wrong way to play a bass guitar. There isn't even a preferred way. Any method you use to get sound out of the thing—fingers, pick, thumb, those weird stick things Tony Levin uses, telekinesis, whatever—works just fine. It's purely a matter of personal preference.

Generally speaking, using a pick will give you a brighter sound than when you use your fingers. Picks are made from all sorts of different materials these days, that allow you to choose what sort of tone you get, but generally picks are brighter.

Can you play bass faster with a pick

Most people like using a pick because they can develop speed more quickly. If you're into styles of music that are speed intensive, a pick might make sense. You can develop the same speed with your fingers, but most people find it takes a little more time. You can get different tones with different types of picks.Truthfully, there is no right or wrong way to play a bass guitar. There isn't even a preferred way. Any method you use to get sound out of the thing—fingers, pick, thumb, those weird stick things Tony Levin uses, telekinesis, whatever—works just fine. It's purely a matter of personal preference.Trujillo is primarily a finger-style player, but sometimes plays with a pick. Trujillo's predecessor in Metallica, Jason Newsted, was predominantly a pick-style player, while Cliff Burton, Newsted's predecessor and bassist on Metallica's first three albums, played finger-style exclusively.

Truthfully, there is no right or wrong way to play a bass guitar. There isn't even a preferred way. Any method you use to get sound out of the thing—fingers, pick, thumb, those weird stick things Tony Levin uses, telekinesis, whatever—works just fine. It's purely a matter of personal preference.

Is it OK to play bass with a pick : If the pick gives you the tone that fits the style, use one. Other styles, like funk, favor fingerstyle playing. Choose the sound, not the technique. Many guitarists converting over to bass tend to stick with using a pick.

Is it OK to pick a bass : Truthfully, there is no right or wrong way to play a bass guitar. There isn't even a preferred way.

Is it harder to play bass with a pick

Playing bass with your fingers is perhaps more complex than playing with a pick in that it allows you to use one finger or a combination of fingers — even different parts of those fingers, such as your fingernails — to create the sounds you're feeling.

Most metal bassists play by plucking the strings with their fingers or by picking with a plectrum, often known as a pick. Using a pick can enable bassists to play rapid repeated notes and fast basslines, although some bassists, such as Steve Harris and Steve DiGiorgio, play such basslines without the use of a plectrum.And Justice for All," 1991's "Black Album," 1996's "Load," and 1997's "Reload" – talked about his playing style and utilizing a pick. Jason explained he was ridiculed for the decision to use a plectrum, saying: "Lemmy played bass with a pick, and I played bass with a pick.

Did Lemmy use a pick : Another notable aspect of his bass sound was his guitar-like riffing, which included using a pick, and often played power chords using heavily overdriven tube stacks by Marshall.