How strong is Luke Cage?
His strength was definitely superhuman, but it was nothing compared to the Hulk. The Hulk was far stronger than Cage even during his first appearances, and his capacity for great feats quickly ballooned.approximately 25 tons

Initially, it was only sufficient enough to lift approximately 5 tons. However, with extensive physical training and years of experience as a super hero, his strength was increased to approximately 25 tons and he is able to punch through barriers as thick as 4-inch steel plate.Luke Cage possesses superhuman strength and stamina, and has extremely dense skin and muscle tissue which render him highly resistant to physical injury. Cage possesses these abilities as a result of a cellular regeneration experiment which fortified the various tissues of his body.

Who is stronger Luke Cage or Spiderman : Here are the examples of luke cage and pressure points being used: He's durable enough to tank hits from Wonder Man, survive a blow from Mindless Hulk, and trade blows with the Thing, all far stronger than Spider-Man.

How hard can Luke Cage punch

Now in full command of his powers, Luke's superhuman strength allowed him to lift thousands of pounds and punch through four-inch thick steel. His skin also proved to be impervious to bullets, thanks to the incredibly dense muscle tissues created by the experiment.

What is Luke Cage weakness : Luke Cage's main weaknesses are that 1) his internal organs aren't any more durable than a normal human's and 2) that he needs to breathe like the rest of us. If you can manage to penetrate his skin and muscle tissue, you can severely injure or kill Luke Cage.

He's super strong, like Jessica Jones and Danny Rand, but his defining physical trait is his impenetrable skin. You can't shoot Luke Cage — the bullets just bounce right off him. But Luke is certainly not unkillable.

His Skin Can Be Punctured By Vibranium

Vibranium is the most desirable of the Marvel metals and due to its unique properties, it is likely capable of piercing Luke Cage's skin.

Is Luke Cage unkillable

You can't shoot Luke Cage — the bullets just bounce right off him. But Luke is certainly not unkillable.Cap wins in a fight but Luke is stronger. Cage can lift 10 to 25 tons that's normal Asgardians stats, cap can lift 800 Ibs to 1 or 2 tons at the most. Plus cage has almost unbreakable skin and a healing factor, unless cap uses the environment to help him, in a straight out fight cap loses.Each hammer carries a weak version of the Mjolnir enchantment; while the strongest can just about lift them, in truth they're made to be wielded by those who are deemed worthy. If the cover illustration is anything to go by, it looks as though Luke Cage is numbered among the worthy.

Luke Cage's main weaknesses are that 1) his internal organs aren't any more durable than a normal human's and 2) that he needs to breathe like the rest of us. If you can manage to penetrate his skin and muscle tissue, you can severely injure or kill Luke Cage.

Can Luke Cage be killed : He's super strong, like Jessica Jones and Danny Rand, but his defining physical trait is his impenetrable skin. You can't shoot Luke Cage — the bullets just bounce right off him. But Luke is certainly not unkillable.

Can vibranium cut Luke’s Cage : His Skin Can Be Punctured By Vibranium

Vibranium is the most desirable of the Marvel metals and due to its unique properties, it is likely capable of piercing Luke Cage's skin.

Is Luke Cage weak

Now in full command of his powers, Luke's superhuman strength allowed him to lift thousands of pounds and punch through four-inch thick steel. His skin also proved to be impervious to bullets, thanks to the incredibly dense muscle tissues created by the experiment.

Colossus is stronger with greater durability and Invulnerability.Cap wins in a fight but Luke is stronger. Cage can lift 10 to 25 tons that's normal Asgardians stats, cap can lift 800 Ibs to 1 or 2 tons at the most. Plus cage has almost unbreakable skin and a healing factor, unless cap uses the environment to help him, in a straight out fight cap loses.

Can Thor defeat Luke Cage : Luke just has his reputation for punching above his weight. Strength wise he is in a much lower weight class with limits on his strength. So it is unlikely that he would beat either Thor or Hulk.