How old was Reva during Order 66?
She's 22. Her Wookieepedia page states that she was born in 31 BBY, 22 years before the events of Kenobi. This makes her 12 during the flashbacks to Operation: Knightfall.Reva was a Jedi youngling who was present in the Jedi Temple during Order 66. When the clones raided the temple, Reva and her fellow younglings found Anakin Skywalker and asked him for help, only for him to kill them all. Reva survived by playing dead, and she swore revenge on Anakin.Prior to the rise of Emperor Palpatine, Sevander held the rank of Jedi Initiate during her time in the Jedi Order.

How old was Alec Guinness in 1977 : 62

Alec Guinness was 62 when he played Obi Wan in A New Hope, however he could easily pass for 70 or more. Sebastian Shaw was 78 when he played Anakin in Return of the Jedi, and could pass for a bit younger.

How did Reva survive Order 66

Reva was herself skewered by Anakin's lightsaber. But the blow was not lethal—it is said that she drew upon the dark side to keep herself from dying. She also successfully feigned death to avoid further brutality. This enabled Reva to survive the Great Jedi Purge, but the course of her life had unalterably changed.

Was Reva good or bad : Reva's noble intentions made her a complicated villain. She recognized the evil that Anakin enacted on her friends at the Jedi Temple, and dedicated her life to making Darth Vader face justice. Her motivations had much in common with Baylan Skoll's cynical perspective in Ahsoka.

As he deals the debilitating lightsaber strike, Darth Vader also reveals that he knows she was a youngling he'd attacked in the Jedi Temple during Order 66.

Episode 5 features Sith betrayals galore, as Reva makes her move against Darth Vader, only to learn the Dark Lord of the Sith was fully aware of her treachery. Vader makes short work of his new Grand Inquisitor, finally impaling her through the stomach and allowing the OG Grand Inquisitor to gloat over her fallen body.

Is Reva Windu’s daughter

NO! Reva is NOT the daughter of Mace Windu. Just because she is black and was a Jedi Youngling, it does not mean she was his daughter. Wrap your head around this: there was very likely other black Force sensitives out there, without Them all having to be related.Haja Estree

In the Disney+ series "Obi-Wan Kenobi," Kumail Nanjiani got to pretend to be a Jedi in a world in which they actually exist. Nanjiani played the role of Haja Estree, a con man who pretends to be a Jedi, using tricks and subterfuge to convince people that he is one with the Force in exchange for credits.The main out-of-universe reason for the Jedi Master's seemingly rapid aging is that Obi-Wan is played by different actors in those films: Alec Guinness in A New Hope and Ewan McGregor in the prequel series and the Disney+ series.

There is a discrepancy between Canon and Legends sources. Claudia Gray's Canon novel Master and Apprentice suggests that Qui-Gon Jinn was born in 80 BBY, making him 48 years old at the time of The Phantom Menace. In Master and Apprentice, Jinn is stated to be 40 years old.

Why did Vader let Reva live : As the Grand Inquisitor made clear, neither he nor Vader had any further use for Reva, and therefore they didn't consider her even worth killing. Instead, they left her crawling in the dirt because, as he had told her before, she was “the least” of them.

How did Reva know Vader was Anakin : Reva knows that Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader because she was one of his targets—a child—during the Order 66 killings that took place during the events of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

Why did Reva hate Kenobi

While she hates Obi-Wan for failing to stop his apprentice from destroying the Jedi Order, Vader himself is the true target of Reva's wrath. She became an Inquisitor in the hope of getting close enough to Vader to kill him, though that doesn't seem to have worked out for her.

There are different ways she could have found out, such as hearing a clone refer to him as “Darth Vader” at the Jedi Temple. Alternatively, Reva may have stumbled upon the Empire's efforts to hide Anakin's survival and then put it all together from there.Rey is Anakin's half sister, and Palpatines relations to Rey through the force. Rey is a genetic experiment/force experiment of immaculate conception orchestrated by palpatine. So Rey is Palpatines daughter or grand daughter, in a metaphorical sense. The same way Anakin is Palpatines son through the force.

Who is Lucas Skywalker sister : Leia Organa

Leia Organa (portrayed by Carrie Fisher) is the wife of Han Solo, the mother of Ben Solo, the younger twin sister of Luke Skywalker, the daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, and the granddaughter of Shmi Skywalker, raised by Bail and Breha Organa of Alderaan.